Chapter 24: A Spartans party (Lemon)

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Sarge: Yeah and I managed to kill 5 million soldiers with my trusty shotgun, I shot Grif in the ass and have Simmons transform into a motorbike and ride off out of there!

Grif: That didn't happen!

Sarge: Sure it did.

Grif: Then why I'm still alive?

Sarge: I ask that same question ever day.

Y/n: (smile) I see you all telling stories to the soldiers on here.

They all turn to him and Y/n and South walks over to them while Sarge said.

Sarge: Yeah it was the greatest achievement ever in my military rank.

Grif: I thought your greatest achievement was killing Covenant troops?

Sarge: That too.

Simmons: Still i can't believe Project Freelancer is now over.

Y/n: (smile) Samw thing, I'm glad for it as well.

Grif: By away, where are we heading anyways?

Y/n: Reach.

Sarge: Reach? What are we reaching to? The star....moon.....sun?

Ave: (chuckle) No, planet Reach. It's a UNSC military planet and a home place to all Spartans.

Ashley: (smile) We are heading there to get rewarded for our hard work of taking down one of the most galaxies corrupt organisations around.

Sophie: (smile) And they gonna pull a party to celebrate it.

Grif: (surprised) Wait, you said Reach is a birtg place of the Spartans?!

Simmons: (surprised) As guys.

Ave: (smile) Yep. You're lucky to going into a base with tones of Spartans and maybe legendary once like Blue team.

Grif: (surprised) Wow that's actually gonna be cool.

Simmons: (surprised) Yeah I never actually been to a high military base that holds the super soldier.

Sarge: Maybe we can be Spartans once we get there.

Y/n was happy for them but he shift his attention to Caboose who was alone without Church or Tucker around. Y/n walks over to him and once there he asked.

Y/n: Hey Caboose, how are you feeling?

Caboose: Oh fine. Alone but fine.

Y/n: (sigh) I'm sorry for the lost of Church, he was.....a great leader.

Caboose: Yeah......I'm gonna miss him, his yelling, him getting killed alot, his face that I don't know what's his real face and his yelling. I'm really gonna miss him.

Y/n: Yeah but Tucker is still out there and we will find him.

Caboose: Yeah but Tucker sucks and kinda a creep to all girls.

Y/n: Yeah he is.

Caboos: Hey, you'll never leave me, right Y/n?

Y/n: (smile) Of course not Caboose. Your my friend but also apart of this family. I'll never leave you alone, buddy.

Caboose smiles and hugs Y/n. Y/n chuckles a little and hugs him back and soon the UNSC ship exit oit of slipspace and arrived at Reach.

Reaxh was filled with UNSC ships and Oaxaca Station to keep the Covenant away in case they decided to attack Reach and glass it.

Soon they get into Sheila and she exit out of the hanger bay and fly towards Reach's atmosphere and soon burst through the clouds and fly over the forest until they see a UNSC military base where Spartans are train to fight against the Covenant.

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