The End

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Beast boy skipped down the corridor. Feeling like something good was going to happen today. Like everything was gonna be okay. He woke up feeling happy like this. He had a happy dream where his friends were playing with him. They weren't hurt and it was like they were never hurt. He was never in beast mode. He didn't have that terrible nightmare. Like none of that happened at all.

He turned that corner. As he grew near to the room his friends were he felt happier. Something told him he was in for a surprise. He was gonna be happy. He was gonna be with his friends again. Maybe. Just mayebe. They be awake.

"Then wed go home. " Beastboy chirped to himself. "And be happy. My sadness would be over. I could have control of my powers. And I could be together with Rae Rae." He kept rambling.Maybe . Just maybe .

Mean while

"Ugh." Raven groaned. He head ached as she woke up. Brightness and a little blurriness filled her sight.She was at a hospital? That couldnt be right. She was just injured on the top of a building seriously injured. DId someone save them?

"Shes awake." Some one exclaimed. Raven recognized the voice as Robins. "Are you feeling okay Raven?"

Raven groaned looking around at her surroundings.Looks like they were all here. All healing up quickly. There was a new healing potion that was in hospitals now that  could heal anyone within a few days. 

"How did we get here?"  Cyborg asked. " There had to be some one who came to our rescue and saved us."

"probably the justice league." Robin replied. "Great, well never hear the end of that."

"Is it just the me or do I feel like it is the more than we think." Starfire said. " we would have most likely been notified by the Justice League that some one was coming.Or we would have called for the help."

Raven couldnt focus.She agreed with Star. It was surely not the Justice League it had to be something more. Then her mind wandered to something else. Where was Beast Boy? Couldnt he have been hurt too? 

Oh wait.


He was probably so scared. So lonely. So hungry. So thirsty. 

She shook a little thinking of her poor friend. Well now that they were up they would be leaving soon. Then shed help him come back. And theyd all be happy. Then after that a nurse had come in. 

"Oh you guys are awake." She said. " Glad you are. Your little friend has been so worried about you. Im sure he will be so happy by the time he get over here."

Without saying another word she left. Raven tried to say something to ask.

"What little friend?" Cyborg interrupted her thoughts. " Who has been worrying about us?"

Raven stared out the window for a minute. She knew who exactly the nurse meant. But where was he? Was he still in beast mode? How did he find them?

"It couldnt be." Robin said. "Hes in beast mode. Its not like he all of a sudden gained control when he heard we were hurt."

Just then the door opened. The titans thought it was the nurse bringing medicine or food. But the door opened bigger revealing Beast boy. On two legs. And out of beast mode. He stared shocked for a moment. Tears welling up in his eyes.

"Heyyyyy buddy" Cyborg said.

"Guys!"  Beast boy basically screamed. "Your okay."

Tears were offically falling out of his face when he leaped to give them a hug.

"I was so scared."

Three days later. The titans were officially out of the hospital.  They were all feeling better and stronger than before. All happy that BB was finally normal. And they could go back to their normal lives again. Of course Beast boy was still counciled. And he had to be watched closley. But he didnt care. He had his friends back. He was back.

Beast boy sat on the roof tops. Watching the sun set on another beautiful day. Raven was right next to him with her arm around him. They were both blushing.

"Thank you Rae Rae." Beast boy said. " I couldn't have done this without you."

" No problem baby." She replied. 

"You have learned to love again."

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