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Beastboy fell asleep quickly. Awaiting to see what the void had for him tonight. But when he found himself in the dark he felt something was off. When he  felt the ground shaking beneath his feet he knew something was wrong. The void had no gravity he always floated. When he heard cracking beneath him. He started to panic and went to run but only to find he couldnt. He was stuck.

He felt the ground break from beneath him. Then, he started fallig.More darkness surrounded the goblin. He gave  a frightened look around.Nothing to grab on. No one around to help but that didnt stop BB.

"H-Help!" He exclaimed  no one answered. Beastboy whimpered. "Maybe its one of those dreams I wake up before I land. And then I feel no pain. Then, I go to the void."

He just kept falling for what felt like hours. No end in sight. Beastboy feared for his life. What if he was here forever. He looked down to see something blue. A light oceany blue. He gulped hoping whatever it was he hopped it was good.

He entered whatever the blue was. He felt himself getting wet and he imeadiantly started holding his breath. Not to long later he turned into a cod fish. He swam around trying to figure wether he should go to the top or not. He then saw something that was all to familiar to him. A freshly wrecked ship still sinking. He panicked the horrible memories of  his parents death flooding in. He swam towards it.

"Momma!" He exclaimed, "daddy!"

And yes in the midst of the of this whole mess was his parents corpses. He swam hoping for the best. His mother had a metal pole, the mast, impaled into her chest. Blood was dribbling from her mouth and her green eyes were lifeless. 

Beastboys father had splinters. The entirety of his body was covered with bits and pieces of the steering wheel and front railing. He also was life less and obviously drowned. He had been knocked out by the mast.

Beastboy cried out. Turning into a whale and racing over to save them. But alas it failed. They went right through him and he couldnt pick them up.He turned back into a cod and turned around in a panic.He saw a horrible sight infront of him his team. His friends. The titans in his parents places. Having the same injuries as they did the same day.

"GUYS." He yelled in true horror. Not them to please no. He turned back into a whale and tried to save them and failed also.Their eyes then opened looking at him. True pain and betrayal was on their faces. But before he could swim to them he was swept back up to the surface. Back to a white void. 

After  staying there in absolute shock he felt himself going into a terrible nightmare. The wide faded and he found himself in his old home. Where he was with the doom patrol. he was on the floor with blood running down his face and a figure standing right over him. He looked up to see who it was and it was no other than his adoptive father. AKA his bio dads childhood friend who actually made a promise to take care of his children. His adoptive mom was his biological moms best friend. She also made a promise she loved BB dearly but was to scared to stop her husband from hurting him.

Beastboy looked back. His family looked back to him. Robotman and Negativegirl watched in terror they were also adopted by his adoptive parents.His mother was crying in sadness at her son being hurt. His grandpop, Cheif, yelled and screamed at Mento to stop. But he didnt. When Beastboy looked back at them again what stared back was the Titans. Or at least Star, Cy, and Raven. All with blank face as some smirks at their friend being beat up. Robin was beating him up. 

"Stop it please!" Beastboy exclaimed. He felt himself being thrown and he fell back into that white void again. He squirmed to try and get out of this terrible nightmare. No luck. He felt himself being thrown again. This time the void turned into a burning building. He looked up to see Roboman and Negagirl in the window. Both sobbing but knowing this was the best thing they could do. Beastboy screamed reaching up to them. He felt himself falling to the cold hard ground. When he looked up again there was all the Titans.  

They had the same betrayed faces as before. Beast boy screamed for them again as he fell. And they burned to their deaths. He landed in a dark void. He sighed hoping he was now safe from pain and hurt and abuse. But no the scilence was filled with voices shortly after he landed

"I hate you"
"I wish you were dead"
" Stupid."
" Why didnt you die when your parents did."
"Shouldve died when your family did."
"Better off without you"
"Costs to much."
"we adopted you because we thought youd be special"
"Go away."
"Should be caged."

Beastboy covered his ears trying to block out the painful words. He knew the what was being said wasnt true right?

He then started screaming. " STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT."

But no matter what he could not stop hearing the voices. 

"AHH. "

He woke up panting. He was drenched in sweat. His (*squak*) was wet. His bed was wet. Tears were streaming down his face. He looked at his clock. 6 am. Robin should be up cooking breakfast.BB sighed.

welp gotta go explain why his bed is wet again.

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