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Slade  was once again attacking Jump city.That big bully could never leave the city or the titans alone.But,luckily the Titans had eachother to fight him.

It was going goo for the titans,but of course Slade had a giant robot.This time it was made out of a stronger metal than before. Luckily not stronger than the titans.They were just resting a minute before attacking again Raven had gotten his limbs stuck in a bunch of portals to distract him.

"we're running out of juice" Robin yelled. "We need to think fast."

  "If only I could figure out how to find his  weakness." Cyborg said reattaching his arm to his own body.

Meanwhile,Beastboy was sitting looking up at the giant robot.He was thinking to himself and that was no joke. 

" Maybe if i use...'It.' arond the robots chest ill set off the engine and wind up destroying the  whole thing" Beastboy said to himself "But my frie-"

"Get It together Garfield.I your friends stay on this building and you keep in your mind your number one priority you wont hurt them"


Raven looked over at her green annoying friend.He looked liked he was thinking hard.He even was mumbling to himself. She swished herself in front of the goblins face breaking his concentration.

"Careful there tiger." She said teasingly. "You'll give yourself a nose bleed." She smirked as the goblin looked at her with a deadpanning face.

" I think I have an idea but its very dangerous." Beastboy said looking down I'm afraid to use it."

"HAHA very funny." Cyborg said in the background "we all know any of your ideas dont turn out well,ERGh UH NO OFFENSE PLEASE DONT CRY.

Beastboy rolled his eyes. Ever since his team found about his depression and suicidal thoughts,they have been very careful of what they said to him.

"I'm fine Cy" Beastboy sighed 

"you must do the believing in friend Beastboy,Friend CYborg." Starfire intruded into the coversation. " I am the sure his idea is at least the mediocre"

"We need anything at this point." Robin then stated. " Go ahead BB, say your idea"

" I cannot explain it till i do it" The goblin replied getting down into his normal crouching position.  "Just stay back I dont want to accidentally hurt you." 

The goblin then lurched forward off the building.Just as the robot containing their mortal enemy freed himself.

"AUGH that was weird" Slade exclaimed.

The other titans watched their friend fall almost to the ground.Just when Raven was about to catch him.He turned into something shocking everyone.

Beasboy floated up in a different form from before.He had werewolf ears and a three foot long tail neatly brushed out.Above his ears was a medium sized halo.Which was dripping a golden liquid onto the goblins head. Which was also connected to demon horns one red one blood red. Finally,two black wings.One was an angel wing,and the other seemed to be like a demonic dragon wing.

Out of everyone there,Raven was shocked the most.She only heard old wives tales of this kind of form.Here all along her crush was one of them.

Beastboy flew up and slashed the robots chest with his claws.Then, somehow started a fire on the same surface.Making the robot blow up.

BB then floated down landing safely pinning down his wings and ears.Making them all go away.Now,he had some explaining to do.

"What was the that?" Starfire exclaimed shocked as everyone else was.

Beastboy sighed.

" It was my beast." He replied." I hardly use it but I can take down a whole robot as you can see."

"And why havent you told us?" Cyborg said. "We could have used it so many times !" 

"Its dangerous." Beastboy said back ."Im afraid to hurt you." 

Cyborg was about to argue back when he was interupted by Robin.

"Stand down Cyborg." Commanded Robin who moved the robot aside. "Beastboy,we understand your reasons,but,you must tell us your problems. Im sure we could find a way to help you control it. Nonetheless, youll go through a little extra training with this 'form of yours' I promise no collars or anything either.

Beastboy nodded. Neither of them new of the journey ahead.

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