Your not broken just bent

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The scream was high pitched and in his normal voice at first. But then it turned low and demonic. His beast then started to appear out of his body. It was clear he was trying to fight it but obviously failed.He twitched and jerked trying not to loose control knowing he was probably going to fail. His eyes turned demonic and still white as his screams turned silent. The silence then turned into deep growling.

"Friends." Starfire exclaimed. "What is the happening to our dearest of friend?!?!?!?!?"

Raven quickly started to review what she read. Was this supposed to happen? Beastboy got into a pouncing position.Like he was going to attack.But instead of pouncing he just stood there. Like he was thinking. Or maybe resisting. After a few minutes he growled and lurched forward. The other titans winched hoping that he would miss them.

Raven on the other hand didnt. Her eyes glew red and there was a quick poof. All of a sudden a purple chain came out of the ground. The hook part grabbed onto BBs neck and sent him flying down. He growled trying to gnaw himself out of the chain. Nothing made it budge. 

" Ha" She said " That chain could hold any demon or half demon down.Only its original creator can destroy it."

Beastboy growled a deep growl.He tried to pounce on his friends again. The chain pulled him back making him hit the ground. He growled as he chewed the chain again. It didnt budge. He growled looking to the others.

"So do we just leave him like that?" Robin asked. " Or do you know what to do." 

Raven summoned one of her books that he dad had given her.She flipped through it till she entered the page she was looking for. 

"The Angel of Darkness." She read aloud."The rarest of species to be recorded in the entire netherworlds history. Only connected to two kinds of people. One the person who has had a very good life. But chooses to be evil and use their powers to be bad. Two the person who has had a very traumatic life yet chooses to be pure and generous. The rarer side of The Angel of Darkness." 

"This is everything we already know!" Cyborg basically hollered." Tell us what to do so we can fix our friend."

"Im getting to it!!!"  Raven yelled. " The training process of The Angel of Darkness is a lengthy and some what confusing process.After a while of trying to get their mind coranated their mind will be changed to where they have control of their emotion. This could cause them to be at peace with their mind and have full control of their emotion. The worse thing to happen when the mind goes to peace. Their power concious and regular concious combine. The worse time if they are currently asleep and in the middle of a night terror. This can unleash panic and stress. Then after wards can cause the power  conscious to over power the normal conscious. Causing The Angel of Darkness to come out. "

" So he was having a nightmare." Cyborg said. " This made him panic and turn into that." 

"Exactly." Raven said " *Sigh* I cant believe right when I could start physically training him this could happen."

"Do not do the blaming of the yourself." Starfire comforted. " You had not control of when he could get control of his powers. And neither could he."

"Is there a way to reverse this?" Robin asked. " Put him through more therapy or something?" 

Raven looked to her book again. There was at least two paragraphs left. Hopefully they had the answers. 

"When something like this happens there is only one solution that will help 99.9% of the time. It is a bit lengthy and takes pure effort from the heart. You must constantly remind the person of who they are. Tell him they were loved. Surround them with things they love and people they love.Make sure they dont hurt anyone but dont leave them alone."

"So thats it right?"  Robin asked. " Just talk to him constantly and remind him of who he is?"

"yes" Raven said " But it could take up to six months. " Lets just hope hes not to far in his mind."

She approached her crush and pet the now asleep demons head.

" It going to be okay Beastie. "

"Your not broken completely just bent" 

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