The beast unleashed

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He hasnt been very violent for a while.BB was never very violent. Once again he had not been very violent since the morning after the incident. That just showed that he was still in there and trying to come out. 

Raven didnt feel like he had to be on the leash anymore. It was only tormenting him. And her. She was the creator of the leash so she could destroy it any time she wanted. So she felt like it was the right time to unleash thing. She reached around his neck and pressed the latch unsnapping the collar around his neck.


The leash and collar imeadiantly disentergated. Beastboy did not seem to notice the collar being gone till he turned around to investegate the noise. He turned back around to look at Raven.  He wagged his tail. She smiled as him as he jumped happy to be off of that leash. 

"Your free now." Raven said. " You have no leash. But we must watch you and Im sure you wont hurt anyone." 

She got up and walked out of the lab. BB in tow as he happily wagged his tail. He sniffed around. It looked like he recognized everything. The living room,, the hall,the kitchen,everything. He got on the couch and curled up in a ball. 

Raven smiled as she sat down next to him. She knew he was still in there and this clearly showed proof that he was. She pet his wolf ears as he shut his eyes. He was just hyper a minute ago but it really looks like he made himself at home on the couch. 

Raven smiled. Memories of the many times he had curled up and fell asleep right next to her. As a kitten, a dog, once even a panda. Raven was sometime convinced that cuddles was his favorite thing. Hed do it all day everyday if he had to.  She didnt blame him she liked cuddling every so often though. 

After a while BB didnt really move.She took it as he was really comfortable. She pet him as she watched tv. She heard the elevator dinger BB perked his head up to see what it was out. 

"Rae." Robin called out. " Were home. We got groceries." 

Robin rounded the corner. He had a armful of groceries. He looked kind of shocked at the sight of BB in his beast form. She smiled as Cy and Star rounded the couch to and saw that their friends were just hanging out.

"Hey" She said. " He was behaving so decided to let him out. Made himself at home quickly." 

"Uh okay"  Cyborg replied a little weirded out. But he seemed happy because that showed progress of turning his friend normal. Star was basically fangirling out of her mind. She was whispering on how cute they were and how cute this scenario was. Robin just brushed it off figuring Raven knew what she was doing.

Later Raven was sitting in the yard. BB was trotting around the yard. Smelling everything. Peeing  on some trees. At one point he fell in the pool. Raven just sat and watched at everything. She also smiled thinking to herself at how much progression he was showing. Maybe soon hed start acting like his normal self again. 

BB was currently running around with a stick in his mouth. He seemed to be enjoying himself as he probably was all around the  yard by now. Soon he was just panting and walking now.

"Alright buddy." Raven said sitting up. "Lets go inside its almost dinner time. And I smell burritos."

The two walked inside and sat on the couch till dinner was ready. It wasnt that long till Cyborg called for dinner time.  Everybody went into the kitchen to eat dinner and have a good time in eachothers presence. As Raven predcited it was burritos. Cyborg really didnt  mind this time around. This was to help get BB back. 

Everyone made their favorite combinations. BB got a tofu burrito since that was his favorite kind. Everyone was eating and enjoying their food. BB was sniffing his and turned his head curriously.

"Good." Raven said. "Your favorite."

"Come on BB." Cyborg said. "Take a bite." BB took a bite and perked his ears up afterwards. He then started gobling it down as everyone laughed. 

Yep hes still in there.

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