New changes

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That night BB went to sleep easily.He had worn himself out goofing off today. He was also still tired from not being able to sleep the other night so he went to sleep quickly. He even thought he fell asleep before his head hit the pillow. 

He found himself in his beasts mind and it was the same as it was before. He sighed looking around for a new change in this boring place but there was none he groaned as he started to radomly float around and do random things again as he usually did. He wished there was something to do.

" If this is supposed to be my beast side this should be where my animal instincts come from." He thought to himself. " That means the urge to play with chew toys comes from here. So there should be a bunch of chew toys in here if this is my beasts mind."

After what felt like quite a few hours of doing randomly flips and spins and stuff like that  he was sitting in corner thinking of where Raven would take him tomorrow. He liked sitting and talking to her. It made him feel happy and  like someone was listening to his problems. She gave him great advice and his anxiety was starting  to die down a little from it.

He honestly could not wait till she starts training him on his powers. That was probably going to be the best thing to do with her. And she knew it all so he knew it was gonna be fun to learn new tricks with them. He was still kind of shocked on what she told him on his powers. The angel of Darkness. He had listened to that song before multiple times actually. It was one of his faveriotes really being the top of his playlists. He sighed as he kept thinkng of spending so much time with her. He then heard a squeak 

He jerked his head. A noise other than him talking to himself? In his beasts mind. He got into a fighting stance  ready to defend himself. But then he looked on the ground of the room. It was a bone that was purple with white stripes on it. Beastboy pinned his ears back looking around. No one there he would hear and see them. He lowered his fighting stance and walked over to the bone to investegate.

It looked like his toy bone he had. One of his favoriote  squeaky toys to be exact. he often chewed on it and threw it around. He growled at the toy and pounced on it. Grabbing it with his teeth. All the meanwhile of turning into his beagle form and landing on his feet. He then bit it several times making it squeak and he shook it just for good measure.

He turned over on his back and played with it a little he shook it alot too. It was fun and he wagged his tail while playing with his toy. He was happy to finally have something to do in this booooring place. He perked his head up happily wishing there was more stuff to play with. He then noticed there was a tennis ball a little ways away. He bounced happily and picked it up. He threw it up in the air and ran around and played with it.

Soon many more toys that  he had in real life start appearing and he felt like he was in heaven. SO MANY TOYS. He was happy and thanked his beast side. He perked his head up and looked around to see that there was a food and water dish near one of the walls. He happily bounced over and sniffed it. It smelt like the veggie dog food he was fed by the titans so he took a bite out of it. It was his food ! He loved his food it was good and provided him the nutrients regular dog food would. He chowed down on it but after a few minutes he noticed none of it was disapearing. He cocked his head but then realised it was endless. He was happy and continued eating.

He then woke up. WIth a pillow in his mouth.

"Titans breakfast." Robin called.

BB hopped out of bed and got dressed he was excited to tell Rae about this today.

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