run in with the bully

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Quite a few days later.

Beastboy layed down in his bed that night.He was really tired and today was a long and crazy day. They had to go over to Metropolis because  of a super hero meeting. There was a bunch of adult super heroes making fun of him. So much that Batman had to go over the communicator and tell people to stop or leave. But, some of them didnt stop and it caused the meeting to be harder than it was supposed to be.

At one point BB was on his way back from the bathroom back when I he ran into someone on accident. Great. But the worse part it was the worse person to run into ,Aqualad.  Aqualad was from the titans east. Aka the titans west co team that they hung out with every so often and sometimes went on missions together. Last time they did they pulled a heist on slade and succeded. But Aqualad and Beast boy never got along with one another.

 Aqualad had a huge crush on Raven. And as everyone else knew BB did too. Both the team strongly shipped BB and Rae and they often were teased from it. BB suffered the  'Consinquices' from Lad himself. Aqualad always said Raven was his and no one elses and would beat up BB or tear something of his up or something bad.

When BB ran into Aqualad the goblin knew what was going to happen. 

" Watch where you are going brat."  Aqualad spat out. " Looks like you need more punishment." 

"Lad." BB said in a slightly frightened frightened voice. " Can we not do this now? Were in the middle of a super hero meeting and we need to get back to the arena."

"I do not care." Aqualad picked Beast boy up by his shirt. " No ones going to care anyways. And now your going to pay."

"I just ran into you dude." BB replied trying to squirm out hopping this wouldnt hurt as much as he predicted. " Your just making yourself look worse espescally in front of Rae."

"YOURE STEALIF HER FROM HER!!!!" Aqualad screamed at BB. " AND NOW YOULL PAY."

A few minutes later Beastboy had a bloody nose and a black eye and several cuts across his body. He groaned looking at Aqualad who was still not finished. Lad punched BB in the stomach and slapped him across the face. Beastboy groaned in pain still trying to squirm out he even tried calling for help a couple of times but it never worked.BB thought he was just gonna have to ride it out before someone came and drug Aqualad off him but then he heard a voice call from behind Aqualad.

It was Superman. He was probably patroling the halls to tell any lingering super heroes to head to the arena. 

"Hey." Superman said. "Put him down Aqualad." 

Aqualad stood not letting Beast boy go. He was imeadiantly apprehanded and pinned down by Superman. He growled trying to escape but could not escape the worlds strongest man. 

" Get to the arena now." Superman demanded shoving Lad towards the door in an angered rage. "Im telling your team about this too." 

Aqualad scurried off afraid of being hurt more. Beastboy had his hand on his opposiote arm trying to heal his wounds.

"Are you okay kid?" Superman asked looking to the goblin.

"Yeah I am." BB replied back making sure the bruises were gone. " I aught to get to the meeting also its about to start."

"Do you need your team?" Superman asked looking to BB who was now walking away.

"No I dont thank you." He replied as he disapeared into the arena still healing his wounds. He sat in the way back healing himself so he wouldnt worry his team. Usually wounds wouldnt heal easily when he was awake. But these ones were easier to heal when awake since they were small and minor. 

The nose  bleed took the longest to heal but eventually went away. He listened in to the meeting like he shouldve. Nothing that important just something about a serrial killer on the loose.  Afterwards he met up with his team.

Did they hear of what happened? yes

Did Aqualad get punished by his team? yes

and did the others worry? yes 

Ending the flash back BB rolled over sighing. Why was Aqualad so mean to him? He curled into a ball and silently cried.

Stupid Aqualad. 

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