𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟼. ♋︎

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darkness cannot drive out darkness,

only light can do that,

hate cannot drive out hate,

only love can do that.

-Martin Luther King <3

Chapter 16: troubles in paradise.

2 months later...

Let me fill you in... Over the last 2 months me and my dad have worked, and when I say worked I mean WORKED on our relationship. And to be honest, it has worked, we are a lot more comfortable with each other and that's meant I have been less stressed and managed to focus on producing a lot more and put a lot more emotion into it.

Angelina on the other hand,

That's a whole different story...

She stays up until two in the morning 'talking' to her nanny, but we all know Brad Pitt is no fucking nanny.

This has strained our relationship, like a lot, we fight nearly every night and I find myself dreading seeing her because I know what it will lead to. Why should I have to dread coming home to see the woman I love?

It's making me not trust her commitment to me and as a result, leading me down the path of breaking up with her, to be honest.

Furthermore, I can no longer see the finishing line with her.

At least with Adriana we were always heading somewhere and talked about marriage and a family all the time,

Angie however just freezes up or starts an argument whenever I try to talk to her about it.

what kind of relationship should be like that?

I recently got back in touch with Adriana and we have been talking all the time, whether it's over the phone or email one another. There's ALWAYS communication. And she isn't even my girlfriend.

But trust me she would jump at the opportunity to fill that role given the chance.

I'm going to talk to Angelina Tonight. Or confront her should I say.


I cant see a future with Y/N.


might be the big question running through your head right now. The honest answer is y/n isn't a good girlfriend. she calls Adriana constantly. And whenever they aren't talking over the phone they are sending each other gifts and emailing.

I hate it.

Don't get me wrong,

I've been talking to Brad a lot. But we never talk about anything romantic or sexual, only friendly conversation.

Whereas Y/N and Adriana have a history together so it's always flirty Banter with them, ALWAYS.

I'm planning on confronting Y/N tonight regarding everything. And I mean everything...

Y/N Pov:

I picked up some chocolate and sweets for Maddox on my way home from the set which Angelina had not been on today due to booking a day off. When I reached the house I pulled up the driveway and sat. Just sat... In my car for what felt like hours.

Thinking about every possible thing that could go wrong through me confronting her ass.

Once I had gathered myself I made my way inside lightly closing the door behind me and dropped my coat and shoes on the side along with my car and house keys.

WANTED FOR PLEASURE. {Angelina Jolie/You}- Book 1.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang