Chapter 27.

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Adriana: 'so that dinner was eventful' the Brazilian supermodel said as we all slumped back on the couch, Angelina moved closer to me and nuzzled her head into my neck, almost claiming me,

I smiled and pulled her onto my lap wrapping my arms around her securely. The brunette hummed and intertwined our hands.

Nicole: 'yep it was' The actress spoke and smiled at me having just heard the me and Allessandra story...

Y/N: I bit my lip and kissed Angelina on the neck making the girl smile and turn back to me 'always is' I agreed and locked eyes with the grey-eyed girl admiring the sparkles in her eyes.

Carson: 'pretty much with this family' My brother muttered resulting in us all nodding before Nicole chuckled and threw the remote for the TV at me.

Nicole: 'and all your exes y/n' I flipped her off and rolled my eyes, smirking a little at her statement.

Angelina: 'so Nicole, got any movies coming up?' The brunette asked and burrowed her face into my neck getting even more comfortable than she already was.

I glanced down at her and kissed her on the top of the head lightly.

Nicole: 'yes I've got one called "the hours" with Meryl Streep and Julianne moor coming out this year' I hummed and turned on the Tv switching on the News...


was the headline given making everyone look at me, particularly Adriana.

Alessandra: 'Meryl Streep?' Alessandra asked changing the subject back to Nicole which was quite nice so as a result, I gave her a thanking glance...

Nicole: 'yep' Nicole replied and smiled.

Y/N: 'awww my little Australian is making it big' I spoke laughing and throwing a pillow at her.

She caught it of course with those freaky ass reflexes but it was still fun watching her eye me angrily.

Nicole: 'just because it has Meryl in it doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be a success' I scrunched my face up and turned the TV volume down. The brunette on my lap wrapped her arms around my neck and hummed.

Y/N: 'sort of does, she's literally the best actress of our generation' I said with a smile knowing it would lead to annoyance from the two actresses.

Angelina: 'rude' The grey-eyed girl muttered and pinched my ear,

Nicole: 'I agree, rude' Nicole spoke.

Y/N: 'you two can be joint second best but there's no beating queen Meryl' I said and sipped on my Vodka slowing down my drinking a little as I don't want to be extremely drunk as of yet.

Angelina: 'ok deal' Angie whispered and kissed my cheek.

Carson: 'so, seen as though Marche, Mum and Dad have gone let's play truth or dare' My brother announced changing the subject and taking some snacks from the table.

Y/N: 'what are we 14?' I scoffed.

Adriana: 'come on it will be fun' The model spoke up and glanced at me with a pleading look and cute eyes, I bit my lip and nodded.

Y/N: 'ok fine' they all wooed.

Carson: 'Angelina you start' C stated making Angie sit up and smile looking over at the Australian in the corner of the room.

Angelina: 'ok, Nicole, Truth or dare?' she asked.

Nicole: 'hmmm truth' the girl hummed.

This is going to be interesting.

WANTED FOR PLEASURE. {Angelina Jolie/You}- Book 1.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora