𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 19. ♎︎

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We come to love,

not by finding the perfect person,

but by learning,

to see an imperfect person,


-Angelina Jolie <3

A/N: *Going with a different writing style for this chapter. Let me know if yall like it*

Chapter 19: Pros and Cons for loving you.

Y/N: 'So what do you all want?' i spoke looking at the expansive menu in front of us as we walked into the restaurant.

Marche: 'Ooo that's one big menu' She said sticking her hand into her purse and pulling out her reading glasses. Bless her.

Y/n: 'well Carson's fat enough to eat it all so I would get your orders in quick' I yelled when he came into the diner with our Mum.

Carson: He smirked 'Yo that was uncalled for' the younger boy said whilst hitting me round the back of the head with his palm. Everyone grinned seeing the two of us being as stupid as ever.

Y/n: I licked my lips and turned to the brunette supermodel who stood beside me 'What do you want Adriana?' i asked earning looks from everyone. Why does everyone always stare at me whenever I'm nice as though I'm the biggest bitch in the world.

Adriana: She hummed 'Mhm I'll have pancakes with syrup and a milkshake' the older Brazillian girl said her eyes bigger than her belly. A mischievous look appeared on Angelina's face when she turned away from Maddox and towards me then Adriana as though the clogs in her head were turning.

Angelina: 'I thought models didn't eat' she said and then wrapped her arm around Maddox passing him to me with one swoosh of her arms.

Carson: 'Angelina don't' he shook his head seeing our entire close nit family tense up.

Angelina: The Actress smirked then turned back to the menu studying it when her eyes lit up as they landed on the thing she wanted 'I'll have the bacon sandwich with mushrooms and coffee please' The same look Angelina had appeared on Adrianas face.

Adriana: 'I thought Actresses didn't eat' she said and ran her hands through her medium length healthy-looking hair.

We all glanced between the two girls then everyone's eyes landed on me expecting me to do something. Of course, they want me to chime in. Because why not?

Y/N: I pulled Maddox closer to me and pointed between the two of them 'Can you both just shut the fuck up and get off each other's throats for like 1 day' And rolled my eyes.

Marche: The older woman looked at me along with my mum and grabbed Maddox from me seeing my anger build-up by the second 'Y/n chill' Marche said and with that, I released a breath I didn't even know I was holding in.

Y/N: 'I am chilled, I'll have the same as Adriana' I mumbled looking at the waitress who was eyeing me. Typical straight girl wanting to experiment.

Angelina: Angie rolled her eyes and whispered in my ear 'Of course, you would' as we were walking to the table with a worker from the small family diner.

Y/N: I grabbed the brunette's arm and pulled her into me kissing her forehead reassuringly 'Angelina, honestly babe please stop' i said and smiled at her feeling her relax under my grip.

WANTED FOR PLEASURE. {Angelina Jolie/You}- Book 1.Where stories live. Discover now