𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟶. ♑︎

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I love you,

I've loved you,

since the first moment,

I saw you,

I guess,

Maybe even before,

I saw you.

- A place in the sun <3

Chapter 10: The meeting lunch.

Angelina kissed down my neck her tongue lacing all the veins which appeared whilst I tensed up at her touch. I rubbed my face and squinted my eyes at my phone screen seeing none other than Adriana ringing me,
'hmmm yeah Adriana hey' I said slightly distracted by a young brunette tracing my face with her fingertips,

'Hi y/n I've just landed' she said in her Brazilian accent making me sit up from bed and wrap the covers around me,

'yeah, I sent a car for you... Fuck' 'stop it' I said to Angelina who was teasing me behind the phone making Adriana become confused and ask, 'stop what?' I rolled my eyes and stood up walking over to the window with the silk covers wrapped around me to Angelina's annoyance...

'nevermind urm the car will take you to your hotel then we can link later for dinner' I muttered in my raspy morning voice whilst tucking my messy short hair behind my ears and from my face. I was nervous to meet with Adriana if I'm been honest as she's probably seen the news and speculation around me and the brown eyed girl layed in bed naked a few feet away...

'ok see you then' she muttered a tone of annoyance and confusion to her voice I turned back to Angie who was sulking and not looking at me 'yeah bye' I whispered and hung up the call running and jumping back onto the bed where Angie never even cracked a smile... she's so stubborn.

'do you mind that was a very important phone call' I said laying back down and turning to her, she simply rolled her eyes and houghed as a smirk appeared on my face 'what about? ... a quick link to make her pink' she uttered in a jealous tone...

'you are asking for it' I said pulling her onto me so she was now straddling me as a result a small smile appearing on her face,

'oh yeah?' She whispered in my ear as I kissed down her neck and replied 'yeah' between kisses 'do you wanna hear a joke?' I asked looking up at her greeny brown eyes...

'no' she said giggling and running her fingers through my hair 'im going to tell you anyway' I mumbled smiling at her and her cute ass face.

'did you know your body is made of 70% water?' She looked at me and tilted her head continuing her tracing of my face and hairline,
'yeah and?' She asked becoming intrigued,

'Suddenly I'm thirsty' I said making her burst out laughing, I wrapped my arms around her waist and stared at her admiring every inch of her whilst things were good.

'oh my... that was actually decent I might use it' she said making my happy face drop in jealousy 'you better not use it on anyone else' I whispered continuing my grasp around her skinny waist,

'Brad Pitt maybe' she said in what seemed like a serious tone, not wanting to hear it and becoming self conscious I pulled her off me and got up out of bed Uttering 'oh fuck off Angelina'

'Baby- I was kidding' she shouted after me as I walked away into the bathroom to get ready the moment we was sharing ruined,

'i'll see you on set... The baby needs feeding remember' I shouted through before making my way to set...

WANTED FOR PLEASURE. {Angelina Jolie/You}- Book 1.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz