Twenty Nine (bonus chapter pt.2)

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A/N- once again I'll remind you all this chapter is purely for reader enjoyment and will have little to no impact on the Wanda x Reader storyline. 


Natasha lifts herself off of me, moving to the side of me, bending down kissing me while cleaning the residue of her arousal from my face. 

"Are you gonna be a good girl?" Wanda speaks lowly, her face still buried close to me between my legs. Her warm breath fans over my wet skin earning more low inaudible grunts. "Y-Yes... Miss...please, j-just please." I stammer out begs and whines. 

"Shhh..." Natasha shushes me, shutting me up with light kisses. 

My arms ache in their restrained position. Wanda, finally giving into me swirls her tongue over my clit slowly. Increasing her speed bit by bit as she finds a steady rhythm that my body responds to perfectly.  

My hips rolling, guiding her movements, to find a flawless pace. Soon enough I feel the strain on my heart and the twinge in my gut telling me I was close. 

My mind and body still convinced she'd stop, I was all but prepared to feel the sensation that ripped through my body, unlocking places in my mind not even dreams could fabricate. 

sweat glistens over my chest as I watch it rise and fall, my mind still in a daze unbale to process the feelings that had just ruptured within me. 

After giving my body time to recover both girls help sit up, removing the belt from around my hands. 

I notice red bands lightly marking my wrists as I pull my arms in front of me. Wanda takes a hold of my writs gently placing kisses over the redness. My body sighs at the kindness in her action "You did good." She coos. 

"So good." Natasha praises. Unable to form coherent sentences i decided to stay quite, just nodding lightly to acknowledge their praise. 

The three of us lie on my bed, Wanda to my right, Natasha to my left. Our exhausted bodies relax against the mattress. 

"So what now?" I ask. 

"Well, I don't know what your plans are but I have a class to teach tomorrow, as much as I'd love to stay, I need to get my things from home." Wanda explains, I hum in agreement. 

I turn my head to look at Natasha "I think Carol will be wondering where I am, if I don't go back." and once again I hum in response. 

I change quickly and so does Wanda, I leave Natasha in my apartment as I walk Wanda to her car. 

"You're sober enough to drive right?" I ask worriedly.

"Yes baby, I'm sober enough to drive. Don't worry." She pulls me into a hug, holding me tightly. 

"Just so we're clear, you're not leaving and although I won't be in class tomorrow when i turn up on Tuesday you'll still be there... right?" I ask nervously. I just had to be absolutely sure that when she got in that car, this wouldn't be the last time I'd see her. 

"As much as that performance would have been an amazing goodbye gift, no. I'm not leaving. I'll be here tomorrow and the day after that and every day till there's no more days left." She jokes. i shake my head at her while smiling "Promise."

"I promise you." I kiss her before she gets in her car and drives off. I watch the vehicle slowly fade into a small dot as she drives down the street before heading back up to my apartment.

I shut the front door behind me, the warm air engulfing me. Natasha walks out of my bedroom, now fully clothed. 

"I booked an uber, the car will be here in 5." she tells me. 

"Okay." I nod. 

We stand in front of each other in a calming silence until she breaks it "Carol and I are coming over tomorrow right?" she ask. I clear my throat "y- yeah." 

My palms feel clammy, my heart beating dangerously fast as i start to panic about how are drunken escapades will impact our relationships. 


"Yeah." She tilts her head, indicating her confusion.

"Us, we- we're. Are we gonna be okay?" I stutter out clumsily. 

"Y/n of course we are. Yes I have feelings and maybe having a threesome with your girlfriend wasn't the wisest decision but I chose to do that. I wanted to and I enjoyed it. Now the alcohol has worn off I realise I probably shouldn't have," she rests her hands on my shoulders "You have a girlfriend and truly, I'm happy for you and this will change nothing between us... I promise you." 

"I know it's too late to say this now but I feel like, maybe I messed with your emotions and I'm sorry for that." I apologies. 

"I agreed to everything I wanted to do it and even now I wouldn't say I regret it. Look in a few days I'm going to go home, with time I'll get over my crush and who knows maybe the next time I see you I'll have a girlfriend to introduce you to." She jokes light heartedly. 

"As long as she's not your professor." I tease.

"Nope, that's just you who does that not me but in all seriousness I hope you to work out. I really do, your happiness is what matters most." 

"Same goes for you." I smile.

"Okay well my drivers here so I'm gonna go and I'll meet you back here tomorrow with Carol." she tells me.

"We probably shouldn't mention this... right?" I ask.

"To Carol, no chance we'll never live it down. Maybe one day in the future we'll all joke about it and she can kind out then but for now... my lips are sealed." she laughs.

I nod "Good plan." 

I wave at her as she exists my apartment. 

I begin clearing away the mess we'd all made, despite how tired I was I just couldn't sleep knowing the mess would be here when I woke up if I didn't deal with it now.

I relax, with peace of mind that both Natasha and Wanda were okay and for the first time in a while my life just might work out okay.

Minus the slight issue regarding my mother and a bitch named Serena that I've get to fix. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it for now I'd like to spend some time with my friends, hopefully take Wanda on a date to celebrate our 'reunion' and then I'll deal with the pressing issue. 

Even after the apartment was mostly clean and my pyjamas were on i wait up for texts of both Natasha and Wanda to let me know their home. 

Text messages-

Wanda- I'm home, Serena's giving me the third degree right now so I'll talk to you tomorrow. Goodnight Princess. 

Y/n- I'm sorry about her, I promise we'll sort something out as soon as we can. I love you, goodnight. 

Text messages-

Natasha- Just got back to the hotel, see you tomorrow. Goodnight. 

Y/n- Okay good, see you tomorrow. Goodnight. 

I sigh happily, flopping down onto my bed, curling up in the sheets falling asleep peacefully. 

A/N- this chapters shorter than normal but I wanted to sum up the bonus chapter and tie any lose ends regarding their antics. Remember Wanda is endgame that's the whole point of the book so lets not get mad at me again... please 

So while were here once Natasha and Carol go home is there any storylines you'd like to see. 

also I have a plan for a date chapter, where would you all like to go- let me know in the comments. 

Love you all- Elle 

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