Twenty Six

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Y/n POV.

I see her standing outside, I take a deep breath making my way over to her.

"Hi." I say quietly.

"Y/n, I'm going to say a lot right now and I want you to listen to me, promise me you're not going to run off again."

"I promise."

"Serena threatened to tell your mother if I signed the papers and we both know what will happen to you if your mom finds out." Fury burns inside me as her words spew out.

"I'm going to tell your mother about us, I'll quit my job and then I'll leave," I start to feel my self shake, a lump forming in my throat as she explains everything "I don't fully understand Serena's reasons for what she's doing, all I know is I hurt her and it's only fair I take the fall for this"

"Wanda." I interrupt.

"Y/n what I'm saying is, this is goodbye. We are over and I'm sorry I put you through all of this." She starts to walk away.

"No! No you don't get to decide what's best to do. You don't get to just quit and run away because this isn't how you imagined our life." I shout, sadness more present in my voice than anger.

"Y/n please don't make this harder than it already is."

"No, you can't make me fall in love with you and leave me. You don't get to do that." I shout louder.

"I'm doing this for you." She sobs.

"I'm not a child and my mother doesn't get to control me. You don't get to choose what's best for me and Serena definitely doesn't have the right to hurt you like this."

"Let me do this for you."

"No! If you leave I swear to god I'll come with you wherever you want I'll leave everything behind for you." I choke out.

"You're not thinking straight y/n you've spent the past god knows how long hurting thinking I'd gone back to Serena I've ruined your trust and you just found all this information out. Give it time and you'll see things the way I do."  She cries.

"Let me find another way." I say getting closer to her.

"I've tried, do you think I'd be doing this if there was another way?" She sighs.

"I can talk to my mum, she can't control me but I can't promise you'll keep your job."

"It doesn't matter y/n I'm leaving. I'm sorry." She says quietly. My cold cheeks burn at the heat of the tears streaming down my face.

"Do you want to leave?" I ask.

"Of course not." She practically whispers.

"So you'll do anything to make this work?" I ask her.

"Of course I would." She admits.

"Then at least stick around long enough for me to try and fix this." I cry.

"You really think we can do this?"

I shake my head "I've no idea what we can do but we have to try. Don't make all the work we've put in count for nothing."

She gulps avoiding eye contact "No, I have to leave." She whispers.

"I won't let you leave." I whisper.

"You can't stop me." She groans.

I walk even closer to her "If you wanted to leave you wouldn't have told me Serena threatened you, you wouldn't have tried to say goodbye," I pause "because if you know me and I know you do, you knew I'd stop you."

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