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y/n POV

I woke up this morning with a strange feeling of excitement and I couldn't quite put my finger on why until it hit me, I have my favourite class today. I look at my phone realising it's way earlier than I need to be up but with all the excitement it feels impossible to go back to sleep.

I currently have two options, lie in bed and refuse to move until I absolutely have to or get up now and go get coffee before class.

Both equally desirable but one clearly requiring a lot more effort. If it wasn't for the adrenaline in my bloodstream forcing me to more or simply do anything i'd happily lie here for days.

The sooner i'm ready the sooner I get to class.

This attitude sounds nothing like me at all, I raise my hand to my forehead checking my temperature- it's normal.

I am definitely the furthest from normal.

I do as planed and begin getting ready spending a little extra time to look good... for myself of course. Making sure my makeup is applied carefully, picking a outfit that makes me feel more mature and yet still young and finally fixing my hair until I was absolutely sure it looked it's best.

I grab my coat and my bag and head to the car driving to the coffee shop.

"Hey can I get a gingerbread latte please." I ask the barista.

The fall drink specials are definitely my favourite.

"is that everything?" she asks with a smile.

"Yes thank you." I wait to the side letting other people order after me. Until she call my order for collection. She hands me the coffee and a small bag with a cookie inside. "Thank you, but I didn't order this."

She giggles at me "I know, it's on me... have a good day." Did that girl just hit on me? I look down at the bag as I head out the door to see her name and number written on it. She was definitely hitting on me.

Well damn I might make an effort a little more often. She's a pretty girl with medium length brown hair that framed her face beautiful. Yet I had no urge to use the number she gave me... but still I saved it into my phone just in case.

Cassie- coffee shop girl. ☕️

I smile at my phone. A pretty girl thinks i'm cute... huh?

This is new to me.

I eagerly head to class, taking my seat earlier than necessary, nobody was here yet really. The odd person would stroll in, see Ms. Maximoff wasn't here yet and then they'd leave. Until finally a storm of student flooded to room taking their seats where they could.

Even now with this newfound excitement to learn I had no urge to change where I sat, keeping myself tucked away in the corner of the third row.

class passes by slowly, for once I actually concentrate on what she's saying, taking notes for my retake exam on Monday. Straight after her lecture I immediately go to library getting some last minute studding in.

on my way out of the library I see Ms. Maximoff jugging her things clumsily. "Hey, hey let me help." I rush over grabbing things from her hands. She instantly sighs as the weight is lifted "I don't know how i'll get by without your help."

"Lucky for you, you don't have to find out... i'm happy to help you, really." She thanks me as I set her things down in her office.

"It's late why don't you go home, at like a normal time." I question. "Well you're here so why don't you go home at like a normal time." She mimics me playfully.

"Don't like going home alone, plus I have work to do. Now your turn why are you here?" I say.

"Don't like going home alone, plus I have work to do." She copies me.

"What about your wife, you're not really going home alone  if she's there."

She scoffs "she's not there." Did something happen between them.

"oh." I whisper my face twisting into a confused expression as I try to read her tone. "She's at work that's all," I sigh "she's always at work." She adds. She shakes the off sadness on her face replacing it with w smile.

"Enough about my relationship... this person you like, have you told them?" she teases. "I don't know where you got it in your head that I like someone... I don't." I say with a little defence in my tone.

"Oh I don't really know I guess I just picked up on something the last time we spoke, obviously i was wrong. I just- you know you look nice today I thought maybe you did that for someone." I laugh.

"No." no of course I didn't do this for anyone... I don't think I did anyway.

"Although I did get this girls number, she works at the coffee shop down the road." She smiles at me. "Have you text her?" I shake my head to say 'no'.

"Text her, you never know you might like her. If not maybe you'll have a new friend... an actual friend and not your professor." She mutters.

"stop calling yourself 'my professor' it's weird, you do have a name right," I joke "and I will text her, later though i'm busy right now." I smile at her.

She rolls her eyes "your flattery is nice but seriously you can't actually want to be friends with me... don't you find it weird?" she asks genuine curiosity present in her tone.

"I guess not, I just don't see you as a 'professor' I mean I do and I respect you very much but we could both use a friend so... what's the issue."

"I guess so." She says quietly. I really don't see a problem with her being my friend so i'm glad she sees things the same, even if it did take some convincing.

"so what's your name?" I place my hand out to shake hers.

"Wanda." She takes her hand in mine, her skin is warm and soft. Her touch is gentle and kind but her shake is firm. "well Wanda you have a lovely name, my name is Y/n." I say as I jokingly introduce myself.

She giggles, I feel the blood rush to my cheeks warming them through completely as I suddenly feel flustered.

"Anyway Wanda I'm gonna head out, i'll see you on Monday."

"Text that girl, let me know how it goes." I nod. "of course."

"Good luck with the exam on Monday."

"Thank you."

"Goodnight Ms. Maximoff."

"Goodnight y/n."


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