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I woke to the sound of my phone ringing loud, my hand taps around the night stand which is when I first open my eyes and remember I'm at Wanda's house.

I look at the alarm clocks by the bed seeing it was only 5:20am.

I swing my legs around the edge of the bed sitting up as I grab the device.

Phone call-

"Hello?" I groan sleepily, I stand form the bed wanting to walk out the room in order to not disturb Wanda.

My legs ache as I practically waddle my way out the room like a penguin. Last nights antics clearly taking a toll on me.

"Hey sweetheart it's dad, you okay?"

"Yeah I'm okay, just tired. What's up?"

"Well I got a promotion the other night and I was thinking of using the extra money to come up and see you, I'll still have plenty left and I set some money aside in my savings I wanted to surprise you and bring up some old friends of yours."

"Wait... you're coming up to see me. That's great and congrats on the promotion."

"Thank you, it would have been part of your Christmas present but since your accident I figured you could use some company... but i didn't want to come up while you were unable to do much because I'm sure you'd love to show your friends around the city."  He rambles on.

"Dad no, it's okay it's a lovely idea i can't wait."

"Well like I said it would've been a surprise but I thought you'd like some notice... sometime I forget my little girls all grown up with a life of her own."

"Dad don't get all soppy now." I laugh.

"I'm just kidding you'll always be my little devil child, speaking of how've you been doing with uni?" I laugh back.

"As per usual, causing trouble and disappointing my mother." I can practically hear his classic eye roll, a habit of his i found myself doing all to often.

"That woman's standards are ridiculous, but she's still your mother so don't talk badly of her." He says sternly.

"Dad common we both know that woman is hard to please."

He scoffs "Oh don't I know. She never stopped working. Congratulations to her for doing well but she ruined our relationship for that job."

"I don't really remember why you guys divorced all that much... guess that makes sense though."

"Yeah well you were a kid, believe it or not we did try to hide our arguments from you." He laughed.

"Good job i handled it well, imagine... you could've traumatised me." I joke.

"Well if we did you're mother would be the one paying for therapy... with all she works she made enough money for it."

"That's true."

"Anyway we shouldn't be so cruel she can be nice sometimes, lovely woman at times."

"Yeah i guess." I sigh.

"Anyway kiddo I'm gonna head off just let me know when you want us to come up."

"You could come up for thanks giving... I've never done thanks giving before so it'd be cool if you guys came. I forgot to ask who's coming?"

"Me obviously and Carol and Natasha I bet you miss them like crazy. Those girls are practically my second kids."

(A/N- let's just imagine they're younger than Wanda)

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