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After the night I drove her home, I can't stop thinking about her, patiently waiting for the next time I get to see her, the thought of her touch exciting me beyond rational reason.

It's safe to say despite the work we did together I didn't study for my exam, though I do believe I did better than last time, I know it's not by much. I still failed miserably to complete the last few questions.

It's Wednesday and I'm listening to her lecture, my eyes never leaving her body as she teaches. "Those who chose to retake their exam can collect their grades now." She says concluding the lecture.

Five of us walk to the front while the rest of the class leaves, one by one she brings us up to her desk to give us the scores. I wait patiently at the back of the line, anxious to see the score, I know I did better, but I know I didn't do much better.

It's my turn as she hands me the paper upside-down, I start to walk away before I turn it over. I see the grade just before I reach the door. "Professor Maximoff I think my grades wrong." I immediately head back to her desk.

"It's correct, you should be proud of yourself." She smiles. "You gave me a 95 but I didn't even answer the last few questions." I turn the pages to show her but to my surprise the last questions were in fact answered. I know I didn't fill them out which only means she did.

"You didn't have to do that." I sigh. "I didn't, I know but after the state of me you had to deal with on Friday you deserved some leeway." I bite my lip as I smile, looking down at the ground then back up to her.

"Friday was nothing, you weren't a state, it was just a bad day, and I was more than happy to help." She giggles sweetly. "Goodbye y/n." her voice saying my name in a sing-song manner.

"I'll see you Friday Ms. Maximoff." I wave as I head out the room happy and content with my score, even if it was fake, it was the best one I've ever had. I feel myself practically skipping through the halls on the newfound joy I had discovered I felt around my professor.

I head to my next lecture, the final one of the day,  in a total daze thinking about her smile. Which reminded me that she didn't have a car so after my lecture I head back to her little office to check if she needs a lift.

I peer through the glass to see her usual smile faltered into a frown similar to the one displayed when I found her crying by her car. I knock on the door her hand gestures for me to come in, I walk in making sure to close the door behind me.

"Every time I see you, you're crying, I'm starting to get the feeling it's me that's the issue here." She laughs drying her tears. "Yeah, you're the reason my marriage is falling to pieces and my key broke," her soft voice laced with sarcasm "You might be the only reason I smile." I make her smile.

"Well, I just wanted to make sure you had a ride home."

"I got my car sorted I should be good but thank for the ride and the food and thank you for the offer." I nod at her.

"Did you need any more help with the work we've been going over? I have some free time now if you'd like me to go over it."

"Please." I take a seat and take out my books, she helps me study for a while but quickly our conversation becomes very off topic.

"I've been meaning to ask you something." She says quietly.

"You have?"

"umhum," she hums "I like your accent where about are you from?"

"Grew up pretty close to the centre of London, that's where my mum works but dad lives in Ireland with his family. He moved back there Just after their divorce when I was like 7 so my accents a little mixed." I explain to her.

"Sorry to hear about your parents."

"No seriously it's okay, I see my dad once or twice a year, my mums got an amazing job at the moment all things considered we're pretty happy. I loved them when they were together, but things just work better this way." She nods.

"Was the divorce messy?" she questions, I can hear the inquisitiveness in her voice, but her tone is still soft. I don't think she's trying to pry; I think she genuinely cares.

"To be honest I don't really remember the divorce that well, they argued a lot right up until they signed the papers, over time and I mean over a long time they've become civil, and they talk but rarely."

"So, you don't think they'll ever get back together?" I shake my head to tell her 'No'.

I see her glancing down at her hand and for the first time I notice the delicate ring on her finger. "How long have you been married?" I ask.

"Three years." She sighs.

"Not happy?" I question in a similar tone to the one she had before, one that's inquisitive but still shows I care.

"It's complicated." She tells me but I recognise that excuse from a mile away. It's the same one my mum would use when she spoke with people about her failing marriage.

"It always is." I tell her.

"What's their name?"

"Her name is Serena." she shows me he phone screen, her wallpaper is a picture of them both. "she's pretty." I admit.

"well enough about my relationship, how's your 'love life' going." she jokes.

"I've never really had one, I liked this one girl back home but she didn't like me back so nothing happened and now I'm here... literally a million miles away."

"That's tough."

"Yeah, she was super nice as well but she picked someone else so yeah... not that it matters anyway."

"Well either way regardless of how you feel now there's not much else you can do but move on I guess," she tells me. I nod.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I am... moving on I mean." she raises her eyebrows.

"Oh so you like someone." she teases with a smile.

"Stop it, I don't its nothing."

"Well, I'm sorry to end this but I should get going it's getting late... but whoever she is, she's a lucky girl." she says as she gathers her bags and things together.

I walked her to her car, it's dark outside, the wind is cold, but I feel warm in her presence.

"Goodnight Ms. Maximoff."

"Goodnight y/n."


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