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"Thank you." I thank her quietly before grabbing my things together, hearing her phone ring I choose to leave even without a response back from her.

As I walk out the door, I realise I've left my phone inside, so I turn back around, spinning on my heels to walk back inside quietly, not wanting to disrupt her phone call.

"Serena what do you mean you won't be home till ten? Last night you said you'd be done around nine this is getting ridiculous." I hear her shout down the phone as her eyes well with tears.

She hangs up the phone and I walk in further to the room. "Are you okay?" I ask her, grabbing my phone. "Shit, I thought you'd left I'm sorry." My voice clearly startling her.

Hearing her swear feels weird. Not the point y/n focus... she's upset do something. I tell myself.

"Sorry I left my phone, are you okay?" she nods and smiles as she wipes the tears from her eyes. "I don't mean to pry but you don't really seem okay," I tell her.

She gulps, both of her hands rest on her desk as she bows her head inhaling sharply. With no response brush my hand over hers, she lifts her head "I'll be fine y/n, you should go." I nod and leave even though part of my body is begging me to stay and make sure she's okay.

I head to the library in the building to finish up my work for an hour, making sure to go over everything Ms. Maximoff taught me today.

Once I'm done, I leave, heading to the parking lot where I see her crying banging her fists against a car door in frustration.

I run over to her putting my hand on her shoulder "Woah, What's wrong?" I ask her innocently as I attempt to stop her from damaging the car.

Again, she wipes her tears and similes at me, hiding her emotions behind her soft smile. "It's been a long day and my keys are jammed in the door," She groans.

She wiggles the jammed key once more, hearing a snap I look down to see half her key her hand and the other half still stuck in her car.

This woman's, having one hell of a day.

"Do you need a ride?" I ask her.

"I'll call someone." She tells me but I can't help but protest, its dark and late and I hate the idea of leaving her alone. Not to mention the fact that despite what she keeps telling me I know for a fact she's not okay.

Nobody who's caught crying twice in one day, banging their fist on a car door or yelling over the phone is ever just okay.

"It's late, its dark, it's dangerous I'm not leaving you here so I'll either wait for them to get here or you can come with me, and I'll give you a ride."

"I'll call someone." She pulls out her phone, I see the contact light up as 'Serena', the woman she was shouting at earlier.

The phone rings but nobody picks up, she dials again but to no avail she gives in "Does that offer still stand?" she sighs.

I nod "Always."

she gathers her things together, I help her carry the stacks of papers she has to mark over to my car.


She tells me her address, on the way to her house I see a Mc Donald's "Have you eaten?" I question, she looks at me, leaning back in the seat she say, "no."

"Well, I'm going to go through the drive through do you want anything?"

She sighs.

"No, I'm okay."

I pull up to the order station completely ignoring what she said, "can I get two large six-piece chicken nugget meals both with fry's and vanilla milkshakes."

"I said I wasn't hungry."

I shake my head at her, "I didn't ask if you were hungry, I asked if you had eaten, you haven't. Now I gave you a chance to pick a meal and you didn't, so you're stuck with this." I laugh.

She sighs as I pull up to window to pay and then up to the collection point. I pull into a parking space and she passes me my food. "You know this is my favourite, I haven't had it in ages though."

I smile at her as she starts to eat.

I've never really been this close to her before but now that I am I can smell a sweet perfume radiating from her. The sent completely intoxicating me, sending me into a heavenly high.

For the first time all evening I think I see a genuine smile on her lips, I turn up the music on the radio singing along with her like two drunk teenagers, bursting out laughing as the song ends.

I dip my fries into my milkshake then eat them "Ew you're so gross, tell me you didn't just dip them in your milkshake," she scrunches her face with disgust.

I nod with a grin from ear to ear, "don't knock it till you try it."

I dip another into my milkshake passing it to her, she bites the fry her eyebrows raising slightly pleasantly surprised at the taste.

"you've got milkshake on your lip," I laugh at her; she swirls her tongue over her lips failing miserably to remove the liquid. I point to my face to demonstrate where the mark is but once again, she fails.

I lean over, using my thumb to clean her lip, feeling the delicately soft flesh graze against my skin. My stomach tightens as I back away, instantly aware of a sensation burning deep within me that I knew I shouldn't have.

And yet despite everything my eyes fall from hers to her lips our faces move closer our lips almost touching.

Her phone rings, immediately breaking the tension as she looks to see who's calling her. I once again see the name Serena; she ignores the call but our previous 'teenage romance movie moment' never returns as I drive her home in silence.

I get out of the car to open her door for her, the second I exit the car I notice the air even closer than it was before. I help her carry the papers to her door, she fumbles around for her keys. Her constant shivering making it all that much harder to get the damn key in the door.

Once she does, I offer to carry the papers inside for her. "You don't need to, I can manage." She tells me. "Not to be rude but you can't, you've got plenty of other stuff to carry besides its no big deal." With a sigh she agrees, and I walk inside her house.

I notice family and friends in photo frames on the wall and yet the house is completely empty, not even a dog or cat to pollute the air, leaving us in our own silence. I place everything down on kitchen work top and once again she thanks me before walking me to the door.

"I'm sorry if I've ruined your night, I imagine you had better plans than spending time with your professor." I roll my eyes at her playfully.

"Don't say professor like that, it makes you sound less like a person and more like an object... I don't know it's weird anyway," I breath out, the cold air making my breath visible "I liked spending the time with you. I moved here a few weeks ago and haven't really met anyone so... count yourself as my first official friend." She smiles and nods.

"Anyway, goodnight Ms. Maximoff." I wave to her as I walk to my car.

"Goodnight y/n."

I drive home in a complete daze unsure of how to take in the events that occurred tonight. I'm not sure what happened exactly but I know for a fact I liked it.


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