"You have a driver's license don't you? I don't wanna die.... yet"

Start from the beginning

"What brings you to my lair Mr xuanyu?", Wei Ying looked at him with a shit eating grin and cursed his entirely gentry out in one go inside his mind and twisted the keys once again.

"It's a fucking road in the middle of the day. Don't you have work to do?", Wei Ying hissed out like an angry cat and looked at the cop once again for confirmation.

Before, Gu Ming could answer him he looked at the old cop and waved his hands.

"Tell father that he can go to hell anytime. And also tell him that I won't hesitate to use a gun next time."

Gu Ming said with a wide grin showing off his perfectly aligned teeth which shined brighter than the sun. It was just his words which did not quite make sense to him.

Father? Wasn't Gu Ming from an old money rich family? Why would his father work in the police force of all the places in this world?

And the weirdest part of all, why the fuck was in his car?!

"You have a driver's license don't you? I don't wanna die .....yet."


Just now suicidal was Gu Ming?

Wei Ying scoffed at the older mans question and opened the utility box to throw his driver's license at him.

"Didn't you just see my license? Are you blind?", Wei Ying asked through his gritted teeth as he stomped his against the accelerator in fury.

The older man chuckled sheepishly and let the insult off the hook and put his driver's license back to the utility box.

He beamed at him with his pearly white teeth once again and shoved his hoodie down just to get a peak of his nest like hair.

Gu ming gasped overdramatically at the bird nest in the name of hair on wei ying's head and started laughing.

"Fuck off will you Gu Ming! Find me a salon with no mirror now!"

Wei Ying Exclaimed kicking the man's legs once. With a hiss and an expression of fake pain. The man nodded and fished his phone out of his pocket.

Weird. Gu Ming didn't ask him why he wanted to go to a salon without any mirrors.

After driving around for almost an hour, the car came to a stop in front of Beijing centre. Where the said salon was. Just to be sure that there wasn't any mirrors inside the salon, wei ying was going to send Gu Ming inside to check things for him. 

Wei Ying pulled Gu Ming down to his height and murmured some words into his ears. Gu ming being the flirtatious man he is tried to woo the younger man with a smile which usually melted several hearts just in one go.

"Alright. Here's the plan. You walk inside and check if they color hair and if they have any mirrors. If they don't have any mirrors call me in. Alright?"

Gu ming nodded and walked along with wei ying in the streets. The bustling crowds of Beijing was certainly a thing to be attracted to. People all over the globe were present in just one street. Fashion was certainly a thing the youth of China was attracted to.

People wearing all sorts of Colors with the waist of a ballerina in all her glory years was a sight befitting the modern china.

Then there were people stuck in their emo phase.

"Fine. You wait for me here. I'll let you know if there's something wrong with it.", Wei Ying immediately nodded shaking his head not so timidly. If Gu Ming was here with him, he was going to take full advantage of him.

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