34. Will things be the same?

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Jiminie was gonna be back soon. I am so desperate to see him, to hug him as tight as I can. As every hour passed by, I was growing more eager to see him.

Days passed by.

I'm finally gonna see him. The long wait is over. At the end of all these months, I still love him, my heart still flutters when I think of him. Have these twenty months affected my feelings for him? Yes, they did obviously. All this time made me fall more and more for him. Yearning to see him every single day, to listen to him, to hold his hand, to feel his lips, all of it. I grew more attached to him. Being under the same sky, yet apart from each other, yet it just brought us closer and closer.

But what if all this time had changed him? What if he did not feel the same? I knew this wasn't it yet a piece of my mind had this thought.

I couldn't go to see him at the airport publicly, but all the other members went to him. I was waiting inside Hybe where I was going to see him.

There was my man. He came hopping towards me and embraced me in his arms. I was in tears. I hugged him back tight. We stayed like that for I don't know how long.I could finally touch him, hold him closer to me. My head was completely blank in that moment, all I could think of was not letting go of his embrace. I waited so long for this. His shirt was damp with my tears.

"I'm back baby" Hearing those words come out of his mouth made me flutter more.
"Let me look at you" He said, lifting my sobbing face up.
"Do you know how long it has been?" I said looking into his eyes. I missed all of this so much.
"The wait it over Sri, I'm here"
I mumbled as I reached up to his lips to give him a peck. He cupped my cheeks and turned the peck into a soft passionate warm kiss.
Feeling his plump lips take over mine while his hands held my face. This feeling was overwhelming me, it wasn't new but yet it felt so fresh and new just like the first time.
"Do I look any different?" He asked me.
"Lemme see" I pretended to scan him top to bottom.
"Hmm...your hairs are short and umm...your face looks even more handsome but your height is still the same-"
He rolled his eyes at me and I giggled.
He started tickling me.
"You are still shorter than me anyways"
"Doesn't matter as long as I can do this" I raised up to give him another peck.

We all had dinner together then I drove back to my apartment. He was going to stay at their house with the members for the night. We were leaving for Busan the next day.
I changed into nightwear and did some work for a bit. I was already missing him again. It's so hard for me to spend even a second without me. Gosh, I really spent all these months without him. How did I even manage?
I remembered that I had to get some books from Roop before I left for Busan. I texted her to get them to me in the morning.
I was feeling so exhausted and tired, it was pretty late. I wrapped up all the work and laid down on the bed.
I got a call. I drove my hands around trying to find the phone without even looking at it. I grabbed it hastily and looked at the caller ID. It was my dearest sister.
"Hello" I said in a tired voice.
"Baby I know it's really late but I really need to talk. I'm really excited to talk about Jimin too but first tell me this-"
"Is it important?"
"I wouldn't call you so late otherwise. It won't take long"
We talked about it, I was so tired but the matter was important so I tried hard to be in my senses.
After disconnecting the call, I kept the phone away
and turned to my side and hugged a pillow.
The peck to kiss from yesterday flashed on my mind. I started blushing and hugged the pillow tighter.
Years passed since we had our "first kiss".

[Flashback, 4 years ago]
"Aren't you concerned about what if I'm just using you for your fame and just fangirling over?" I asked with a slight smile still looking into his eyes.
"I don't get people wrong. I believe in myself and I believe in you and I know you enough to know that you are not someone like that. Moreover, you are strong enough, you don't need my fame or anyone else's fame."
"I'm really on a date with my bias." I blushed and turned my face to the front looking at the fallen flowers.
We were talking to each other and he suddenly threw a handful of flowers at me and then we started playing with flowers.
"Will you be mine?"
"As long as you be mine, I'll be yours"
"So, now Srisha Roy is mine"
"Park Jimin is mine."
We both were so happy. Anyone could say that looking at us.
"Park Jimin, I'll try my best to give you all the happiness I can and I'll be with you always."
"I like you so much Sri."
He shifted himself and he was now sitting in front of me with his legs crossed. We were looking at each other. I couldn't have enough of his face. His eyes, his lips , everything about him made me happier. I could spend all my time looking at him.
He was holding my hand with one hand and the other hand went up to my forehead slowly caressing my hairs and then going around my neck. I moved closer to him and encircled my hands around his neck. I felt his face coming closer to me and I closed my eyes. His hands cupped my face. The next thing I could feel was his soft lips slowly pressing against mine. It was slow, passionate and full of love. His fingers were very gently rubbing against my hairs still cupping my face. We were slowly kissing, making our lips wet. I curled up my toes and I could feel my stomach twisting. A red flower fell on us and we looked up to see what it was. We both just smiled looking at the flower and then at each other. Guess it was a blessing from nature. I wondered. He took the flower and gave it to me and then kissed swiftly on my forehead.
He rested his head on my lap and lied on the ground.
[End of flashback]

Yet, till this very day the kisses feel the same. When I was pulling my head downwards after leaving a peck on his lips, the moment he cupped my face and started kissing me, I felt butterflies fluttering in my stomach.
I drifted off to sleep thinking about him.

Penning My Life With My Bias | Park Jimin | BTS ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن