"Did we not just send Raven with the hundred-year-old vampire?" asked Nat.

"Technically she chose to do that, you saw the look on her face. There was no stopping her" Said Clint.

"Focus please" called Bucky.

Adrien was in the middle of all the chaos fighting his brother.

He had tried using his mind manipulation but no doubt Mason had done something to prevent that. Adrien was using his cane to attack while Mason dodged. Both were moving at an incredibly fast pace, especially at their age. It was pretty impressive how good at fighting the two were. They seemed to move in perfect sync to each other's motions.

"It doesn't have to be like this brother, just give up the Avengers and your students. I'll let you live" Mason breathed out as he dodged another attack.
"You can't honestly think I'd be that stupid" Adrien seethed impatiently.

Pietro was speeding from place to place trying to knock out as many agents as he could. He ran up and punched the agent who was about to attack Steve.

"Thanks," Steve said, breathing heavily.

Pietro's attention was caught on something in the distance, however. Somewhere in the far woods, smoke could be seen rising above the ashes.
"Is that-" Steve had noticed the smoke as well.

"Raven.." Pietro whispered.

He looked at Steve who understood what he was saying.

Steve nodded, "go, we'll take care of this," he said, turning his attention back to the fight.

Pietro wasted no time in running as fast as his legs would go toward the smoke.


Raven's pov:

Raven had run toward the woods. She knew that Hadeon was following close behind, she wanted to make sure she was far enough away so that the Avengers would be able to fight the Hydra agents but by the sound of rustling behind her, she guessed that Hadeon was catching up quickly.

She stopped running when she reached an opening in the woods. She was out of breath but still alert. She stood up straight when she saw Hadeon casually walking into the clearing, a look of pure hatred laced on his face.


"Don't talk to me" he snapped.

"Hadeon please-"

"You killed her!" He shouted.

Raven took a step back, to say she wasn't scared at the moment would be a complete lie. She had never seen anyone look so angry in her life. And Hadeon was undoubtedly a lot older than she was.

"No, I didn't" She shook her head. "I wouldn't kill her, you have to believe me"

"Well, I don't. I don't believe a word coming out of your goddamn mouth!"

Hadeon rushed forward so fast that Raven didn't even see it coming. Next thing she knew she had been thrown backward.

She landed painfully on the ground and groaned. Her eyes widened when she saw Hadeon standing right above her with a knife in hand. She rolled just in time causing Hadeon to stab the ground instead of her face.

She quickly stood up and sped to the other side of the clearing, giving her time to catch her breath.

"I didn't kill Olivia-"

"Don't you dare say her name!" Hadeon threw the knife right at her. Raven caught it when it was two inches away from her face. She threw the knife aside, hoping that it would be the end of this fight but Hadeon obviously had other plans. He sprinted forward and threw a hard punch at her. Raven managed to catch the punch but Hadeon brought his other hand up to grip hers.

Love Bite (An Avengers/Pietro Maximoff fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now