Chapter 4

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In a five star hotel a family of 5 members are sitting on the table they reserved already and they were waiting for someone to join them. But it was getting late and everyone starts getting frustrated.

Sm1:  where is bhai.....he is always like this.....

Sm2: don't worry Athu....Sid will come....

Sm1: haa bhabi....u always support him only...what can I expect from u ...

(So the Sm1 was Atharva sm2 was vaishu and the three others were VM, Abhi and aishu,they were waiting for sid)

VM: Abhi call him na....everyone is hungry....

Abhi: yeah mom....he calls Sid.

There Sid and Faisu are in his home. Sid has been bandaged all his wounds given by JD'S men. He got nervous on seeing Abhi calling him. He quickly have his phone to Faisu....

Sid: Faisu Dada is calling.....he will find out something is wrong if I talk to him now ...u just speak with him.

Faisu was also scared but he composed himself and attended the call.

On phone(on speaker)

Abhi: Where the hell are u Sid....we are waiting for u.....

Faisu: huh....bhai it's me Faisu....

Abhi: oh hey Faisu....where is that idiot.....

Faisu: Bhai actually he is doing assignments....he just blabbered something.

Abhi: what assignments.....but Faisu.....don't u remember u and Sid finished college 2 years ago.....

Faisu: bhai I mean he is helping my sister in her assignments.

Hearing this now Atharva spoke

Athrv: but Faisu long as I remember u don't have any sister right.....

Faisu: I mean my neighbor's daughter, she is like a sister to me.....

Abhi got irritated.

Abhi: ahh....u both idiots.....will u please stop blabbering and tell me where is he....

Vaishu: Abhi ..don't shout this is hotel not our house......Faisu are u guys planning any sleepover or what...

Faisu: actually bhabhi yeah it is ..sid is just scared of Abhi bhai that he will scold him so only I took the phone from him.

Abhi: now he is gone...where is he..give him the phone....

Vaishu: Abhi....just stop ur fake angryness we all know u can't get angry on any of us especially Sid.

Abhi : but he should have informed us na....

Vaishu: it's ok....Faisu u guys enjoy and ask Sid to come home tomorrow before lunch....

Faisu: ok bhabhi.....u are the best....

Then they hung up the call.

Till the whole scene happening VM was staring at someone.

Aishu/vaishu: mom whom u are staring at far long time.

VM: see that girl on that table....she is really cute na ....

Vaishu and aishu looked towards the table VM mentioned. There was family sitting. They were looking so happy and teasing each other....
They are non other than our avneet's family and VM was staring our Avu.....

Vaishu: haa mom she is cute....

VM: she will be a perfect match for sid right....

Abhi: ohh god....he is making excuses like a kid and here she is looking a perfect girl for him.... Ohh god .....

Atharva and aishu started laughing.

VM: soo what...u found ur perfect girl by urself even before I could think about ur marriage....but this boy(Sid) ...I have to do all things for him..

Hearing VM's words Abhinavi started blushing. .

VM: ok ok now stop blushing and order something....

Hearing this Abhinavi blushed again to the core. Seeing their condition Atharva and aishu laughed again which caught the attention of Avneet and Nandhu who were eating on the other table.

Avu: such a cute family they are....see how happy are they ..

Nandhu : haa di...just like our family.....

Avu: hmmm yess ....what else is important than having a good and happy family around....

Nandhu: yes di ...I wish my jiju also comes from a family like this....

Hearing the word jiju Avu started to blush..

Nandhu: di u are blushing on hearing the word jiju itself. Then how will u react after getting know who will be that....

Avu: Nandhu stop teasing me and eat....

Nandhu: hmm ok ok.....
To be continued.

Will VM &Nandhu's desires will come true....let's see.....

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