Man on the moon (I)

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Back to Jennifer's P.O.V

I woke up in a room. It wasn't mine. I was wondering what I am doing in a stranger's room when she remembered what happened last night. Two people were standing in front of her. A man and a woman. She was terrified of them because of the stern look they had on their face. Both of them were wearing suits.

" Finally, she's awake ", Said the woman.

" Where am I? Who are you? ", I asked them in fear.

" You are in a room ", The man said.

" What do you want? "

" Information ", The woman said. She had a much more serious look on her face than the man.

" About? "

" Number Five "

" What do you want to know about him? "

" Where is he? What is he doing? ", The man said.

" I don't know where he is " Immediately, the woman punched my nose. That hurts a lot.

( Lies. All Lies. - The worst professor ever ) 

" Liar! "

" I am sorry I don't know where he is. You got the wrong girl. Why did you even think that I knew where he is? "

" You are somewhat close to his age. We thought he might take you with him ", The man said.

" Sorry, he didn't. Now, please let me go home. You can ask someone else? "

" We already tried that, kiddo ", The man said motioning to my side. Klaus was there beside me. He was beaten up really bad and he was half-naked probably.

" Hey! You're finally awake ", Klaus said happily. He noticed my bloody nose " Did they hurt you? " They continued asking us where Five was and kept beating us. They were probably going easy on me but it was hurting a lot. Everywhere. They kept going to the Bathroom to discuss something. That's when Klaus starts talking. Not to me but someone else. Probably a dead person. They returned and took Kalus' coat in their hand and started pouring whatever was in its pockets. They found chocolate and a few pills in a plastic bag.

" Hey, be careful with that. It's my asthma medication ", Klaus said almost pleading. I didn't know that Klaus had Asthma. The man just smiled and crushed it under his feet. Klaus almost started crying. It must be expensive. Then they took the bar of chocolate. Klaus started begging them not to eat that. They ate it anyway. " Not until they are high as a kite, " Klaus said suddenly. Probably talking to a dead person, but what does it mean?

Hey Chipmunks! The ' Man on the moon' chapters will be a bit shorter. I forgot to add a line in the previous chapter so, here you go for today, " You're...wr...wrong " Have a nice day/afternoon/evening/ night. It's afternoon here.


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