Extraordinary (I)

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I had a bad time waking up today. Five literally was shaking me telling me to get up. He told me to wait for him at the front door. It's been like 10 minutes and I am still waiting. I went ahead and sat on the same bench when I first met Luther. That's when a van stopped in front of me. I was scared immediately. I relaxed when I saw Five inside. I opened the door and sat in the passenger seat. 

" Where are we going? ", I asked as he started the car.

" To the department store ", He replied.

" Lance already said that the eye isn't manufactured. There's no point in going there again "

" Lance is lying. So, we're going to see if he does anything suspicious "

" How are we going to do that? "

" We are going to park the van in front of the store and wait "

" Okay. How do you know how to drive? "

" Doesn't matter ", He replied annoyed. I decided not to ask him any more questions. After about 10 minutes we reached the store. He parked the van and stared as Lance entered the building. After an hour, I was bored and hungry. I skipped breakfast. I looked at Five and said, " Can I go and eat something? "

" No ", He said.

" Why? I am hungry and I skipped breakfast "

" I have some protein bars in the bag ", He said and immediately remembered something. " Oh, shit " He opened his bag and removed a mannequin's upper half out of it. He is acting like a psychopath right now. I mean, who carries a mannequin casually in their bag. He also removed a protein bar and gave it to me. I noticed that there was an empty bottle of alcohol. Did he drink it?

" No, I am not drunk ", Five said. I was spooked out. Did he just read my mind? " I am working " He was talking to the mannequin. He is crazy. " Yeah, It's about the eye thing "

" Are you talking to a mannequin? ", I asked him.

" Yeah, She is Delores ", He said smiling. 

" What? "

" You heard me "

" Delores is a mannequin? "

" Yes "

" How are you talking to a mannequin? She is literally plastic "

" She'll hear you " He covered her ears " I don't want to talk about this anymore. Let's get back to work "I started getting sleepy because I slept at 12 at night and was forcefully woken up at 7. I decided to take a small nap but I was woken up after about half an hour. It wasn't Five but Luther. He was knocking on the window trying to get Five's attention. He finally got his attention and opens the passenger door. He proceeds to sit in my seat so, I was forced to go to the back of the van. Klaus was also there with Delores.

He was hugging her. He must be drunk. I sat on the available seat. Luther and Five were talking but I didn't pay attention to it. I just wanted to sleep. ( My dog put his paw on the phone when I kept it down and it autocorrected it and it wrote Lol😂 )

" How did you even know where to find me? ", Five asked Luther. Klaus must've told him. He turned around to look at Klaus.

" Can we get some privacy? We are really hitting it back here ", Klaus said. Five threw some things at him.

" Get out! You can't be here ", He yelled. " In the middle of something "Klaus kept Delores in a place and went to Five.

" Any luck finding your one-eyed man? ", Klaus asked.

" No ", Five whispered

" What's he talking about? ", Luther asked Five

" Does it matter? It's Klaus ", He replied. " What do you want Luther? "

" Um... So Grace may have something to do with Dad's death. So, I need you to come back to the academy, all right? It's important "

" 'It's important. You have no concept of what's important ", Five muttered.

" Hey! Did I ever tell you guys about the time I waxed my ass with chocolate pudding? It was so painful ", Klaus said. I was disgusted by this.

" What are you still doing here? ", Luther asked Klaus.

" What? ", Klaus said. " I- What? Do I need an excuse to hang out with my family? "

" We're trying to have a serious conversation here ", 

" What, and I'm incapable of being serious? Is that what you're saying? "

" Luther's got a point, you should get out ", Five said.

" What? ", Klaus asked disappointed. He opens the sliding door and yells " Fine! " The both of them are completely ignoring my presence which was fine with me. 

" What the hell are you up to? ", Luther asked Five.

" You wouldn't understand ", Five said.

" Try me. Last I checked, I'm still the leader of this family "

" Well, last I checked, I'm 28 years older than you ", Five said. That means Five is in his 50's. He is so much older than I expected him to be.

" You know what your problem is? "

" Really hoping you'll tell me "

" You think you're better than us " I somewhat agree with Luther on this. " You always have. Even when we were kids. But the truth is, you're just as messed up as the rest of us. We're all you have. And you know it "

" I don't think that I'm better than you, Number One. I know I am. I've done unimaginable things, things you couldn't even comprehend "

" Right ", Luther mumbled.

"Just to get back here and save you all " We heard a few things falling followed by a " Whoo! ". We looked in front of us and guess who it is. It's Klaus. He was staeling from a shop and the employees were stopping him. 

" Hey, bitches! ", Klaus yelled as he started running. The security guard was right behind him blowing his whistle trying to catch him. He was stopped by a car and the guard caught him. 

" Now I'm starting to wonder if that was the wiset decision ", Five said.

Hey chipmunks! I am going to post one more chapter today and that will be it. The line for today is, " Hi Vanya "

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