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The moment they left me, I felt so guilty. My parents were scared, my friends call me a freak and Nana passed out. Aaron was right I had powers, but I was a monster. I cried for almost an hour. I thought that I should go around and look for some food. I went outside the forest and I was in a completely different place. I was scared now. I even asked some people but they just ignored me. I was hopeless now. I sat in front of some buildings when a man who was in his 20's sat beside me. It was awkward and silent at first. The man looked at me and he noticed that I was crying. 

" Are you okay, kid? ", He asked with some concern in his voice.

" I am alright ", I said not looking at him.

" You don't look okay "

" My parents abandoned me ", I started crying again.

" Why? "

" I accidentally killed my brother "

" How? "

" I burned him "

" Oh! I am Luther, by the way, Luther Hargreeves "

" Jennifer Baker "

" I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my brother too "

" Really? ", This time I looked at him. He looked kind and harmless.

" Yeah! How did you burn your brother? "

" This might sound insane, but I have superpowers. I-"

" Really? When were you born? What is your age? "

" I was born on 6th October 2008. I am 7 "

" Oh! Do you know what is crazy? I also have superpowers "

I was now a bit shocked and suspicious. He might be a kidnapper. Looks can be deceiving. He might take me to his home and kill me. Oh god! Someone, please help me. These thoughts ran through my head.

" I know who you are, sir. You are going to kidnap me "

" What? No. I really have powers "

" Prove it "

He stood up and went to a mailbox. He held it by one of his hands and pulled it out of the ground. He got a few looks. I walked to him.

" Anyone can do that "

" Is it? " He puts it back in place. " Come with me "

" No "

" To the park "

" Still no "

We finally decided that he and I would meet each other at the park in 5 minutes. This way I felt safe. He was waiting near a tree when I reached. Without saying anything, he held the tree and pulled it out. I was convinced but still a bit suspicious. He noticed that and told me that I should go to his house. That was a red flag. I told him that I would stay outside until he brings the "proof". We go to his house. I stand near the doorway and he goes inside. He comes outside after like a minute with an ape? A talking ape to be exact. I was convinced by that. He explained that he had 7 other siblings who had powers except one. He also told me that they were like the superheroes during that period and were called the umbrella academy. Their father was very strict and was about to kick me out when Luther told him that I have powers. He tested me and I actually had powers. He adopted me immediately. It was on the news. Everywhere. He also told me that I should train so that I can control my powers and not hurt anyone. This all happened four years ago. That same year when dad adopted me, he sent Luther to the moon. He and I were like best friends. I still miss my real family and feel guilty that I killed Alex. I never really celebrated my birthday though. Probably because that was Alex's death day and my abandonment day. Nothing much to celebrate. I really wish to meet the others. No one really came to visit me. I just talked to them through letters. My training was completed when I was 10 so, I had nothing to do. Although dad was harsh on the others, he was a bit kind towards me. Even though he adopted me because of my powers, he still adopted me. I became one of his favorites too. Unfortunately...

Wtf guys?? I just posted this and I gained 14 followers in under 2 hours. I feel so happy, so I posted this chapter earlier for, you guys. Thank you a lot

Q- What's your fav movie?
A- I have many. One of them is The Maze Runner and HP 6

- O

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