Extraordinary (III)

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I walked up the stairs and reached my room. I went and sat on my desk and started drawing. After I finished drawing, it was almost night time and I didn't feel like eating anything so, I straight away went to bed. I hardly slept for an hour because I woke up to gunshots. They were coming from downstairs. That means that someone broke into the house. I immediately locked my door and hid under the desk hoping that everyone else is ok (Just to let you guys know that Jennifer isn't that good with her powers because she was only trained for around a year). After a couple of minutes they stopped so, I decided to go out. As I was reaching for the door handle, they started again. So, I hid again. They stopped again so, I went out again. They had finally stopped. I went out and was met with silence.

" Is everyone ok? ", I asked. Suddenly, there was a cloth on my mouth. I tried to remove it but...

No one's P.O.V

After this incident, Vanya left the academy and everybody went up to their rooms. It was quiet. Nobody even thought about checking up on anybody else in the house. Allison felt sorry for Luther after finding out his biggest secret while on the other hand, Diego was first shocked and then amused. In the morning, Allison was walking around the house when she saw her mother. But, she was dead. She immediately goes to Luther and wakes him up. Luther hesitates to speak to her. He was embarrassed after Allison saw who he really was. Finally, Luther agrees to come with Allison as she told him there was something that he had to see. She takes him to mom.

He saw his mother dead. He felt guilty that he had the thought of killing her, but now looking at her like this, he felt a mixture of emotions running through him. Allison informed him that the people who killed their mother were those people in masks who attacked the house last night. 

" We need to tell the others ", Luther said and walked to everybody's room. Diego wasn't there, not even Klaus, he didn't expect Vanya to be there so, he went to Jennifer's room. He knocked lightly and said, " Jennifer ". He got no response so he opened the door. The room was empty but it was messy. The lamp was knocked down and her bed was messy. Her drawing book which was on the table was torn. Luther was worried about her. Where was she? And how did her room get this messy? Was she safe?

Hey, chipmunks! Sorry for the delay. I will be posting another chapter today but it will get posted a little late. I posted this just 5 minutes before my class test. Wish me luck! 🤞

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