We Only See Each Other at Weddings or Funerals (III)

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I just wanted to say, that this chapter will be shorter. I could've added this whole chapter in the last but I felt like I needed a cliffhanger... Hope you ✨Chipmunks✨ enjoy.

 I feel like I am being watched and turned around to see the one and only...

Samantha. She was on the other side of the road. I was safe. Yes, I said safe. She had a badminton racket in her hand. You guys must be like it's just a racket no big deal. But, she hit me with that same racket. Of course, she got suspended. She was angrily glaring at me. What happened to her. Once she saw that I noticed her, she started coming straight to us. She completely ignored Five's existence. I involuntarily held Five's hand. It caused him to look towards me. 

" Is everything ok? ", He asked.

" No, You see that girl with a racket coming straight towards us? ", I said looking up at him.

" Yeah. Do you know her? "

" Yeah, She was-is my bully. I just want you to help me "

" How? "

" Just teleport us out of here ", He looked annoyed for a second before teleporting us in front of a building. I just held my stomach with my hand saying " I think I'll puke "

" We have to spatial jump one more time " And with that, he spatial jumped us into someone's apartment.

" You'll get used to it " And, I think I felt better and sat with Five in the darkness in someone's apartment. After a few minutes, someone came into the apartment through the door. The owner to be exact. The person put the keys down and went to switch the light on but, Five did the job for the person and turned the lamp on near the armchair he was sitting on. 

" Five! Jesus! ", The person said putting a hand over their chest, It was Vanya. At that moment I realized that I was definitely going to puke. The donuts will come out of my stomach. I immediately ran to the bathroom and let out everything. I cried a bit. I hated puking. ( Literally me. I hate puking. I can't stop crying after I puke ) 

By the time I got back, Vanya was disinfecting Five's cut and they were talking. I only heard, " The world ends in 8 days and I have no idea how to stop it ". What? He must be kidding. Vanya was silent. After a couple of seconds, she said, " I'll put on a pot of coffee "

Heya, my Chipmunks! I am so sorry that this chapter was short so, I posted 2 chapters today. The line for today is, " Holy shit! Leonard Peabody is Harold Jenkins "

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