76- Consternation

Start from the beginning

"Sasha, make it to the island, please!" Connie continued to talk to her.

The h/c haired captain instantly took the IV and stabbed it in her arm. It was not proper at all. She could get infected, nerve damage, or even die. But time was running out and fast. She put the other end into the fatally wounded girl. The blood may not even get to her in time. For now, they just had to focus on keeping Sasha awake and not brain dead.

"Hey, Sasha!" Y/n called loudly. "Don't go to sleep, now! We still have so many things we need to do!"


Dauper village, Wall Rose, South District. Sasha Braus! A steamed potato, sir! I happened to see them in the kitchen and couldn't help myself! ...They lose their taste when their cold... So I thought it best to eat it right now. Are you asking me why humans eat potatoes, ma'am? There will be lots of tasty food to eat! P-Potato Girl!? I thought everyone had forgotten about that... Don't call me names! Is that it? Jean! How much do you even know about cooking? Jean, my boy, I will teach you the true art of cooking. Squad Leader Y/n! We're going into the forest to hunt the big boar! Will you help us kill the beast? Yeah! Join us and not this horse-face! Boar meat! Boar steak! Boar sausages! Smoked! Boiled! Roasted! So many ways to cook it! The best foodstuffs in the world!" She jumped off the boar. I'M TALKING ABOUT... M-E-A-T! Meat is meat! I was such a fool! I bet they're preparing a nice and big feast for us! Yum... Definitely not a piece of bread. Interesting, right? Ahh! Ar- I mean. Krista and Eren!! They've been kidnapped again! It's Mikasa's fault for taking her eye off the prey! Yeah. FANTASTIC!!! THAT'S A FANTASTIC CONDITION, CAPTAIN! That's gunfire!! There!! Multiple shots! Still, what else can we do but fly through and hope for the best?! Everyone's safe thanks to you! But to be honest, that moment when you leaped forward bawling and running all creepy... I thought, 'it's all over. There's no way that freak can save us.' I was all teary-eyed and sniffling like this, and... The basement? Oh... That!? So it's important?! Yeah... I'm just not hungry... J-Just don't die, okay? Look at this bowl-cut jerk. Whaaa? Tomorrow's an adjustment day. You should take it easy. There must be a way to turn Connie's mom back to normal... There's still a possibility one exists, right? Why don't you try hitting your head against something? NO! I'M QUITE ALRIGHT HERE! Ah... I can't believe it...It's meat. Uugh... Keep it down! Was it life changing? Never drop your guard ESPECIALLY during the last moments of the hunt... You never know what a desperate animal will do. Possibly! That's incredible aim! Where did you learn things like that?! MY EYEESSSSSSSS!! It's our fault, so let us do some stuff for ya! Can we settle here? It's not a hot spring, you stupid perv. This thing is tasty, right? By the way, Onyankopon. Why is your skin so dark? Mister Niccolo!! You're a genius!! I've never had something like this before... These are tears of joy, Captain Y/n! Antacids, a toothbrush, and something that tastes like our hometown. Don't worry, Y/n! We'll help you find some good ones! That's not true. Everyone who meets you loves you! Even when you questioned me eating a potato at the entrance ceremony, I could already tell you were a great person!No, not 'huh?'. How could we let an idiot be responsible for something so important? I don't wanna, though. Y'know I don't wanna. Huh? Hm? Huh? At last... We are the first people from inside the walls to lay foot on territory outside the walls... A cow..? Isn't it a cow? That's a cow! Thats..! That's overdoing it!! My wallet is fine! Y-Yeah, my little brother ended up causing trouble!!! Were you makin' us worry on purpose? Eren was puttin' the moves on Captain Y/n! So, Y/n. What kind of tasty food did you eat here? You must have had amazing cuisine! You were here for over months! Ah, what a mistake. Why do we have to talk about food? I'm so hungry... And you didn't tell us, yet?! No way, Captain Y/n..!

The others watched her work anxiously on pins and needles. Once Y/n deemed it a fair amount of blood, she took out the IV. For now, it was uncertain whether Sasha would survive the fatal blow.

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