forty two

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Alice POV

"This was the best idea, Daisy. Thank you so much!" I gushed as we settled into our seats at the Japanese hibachi grill she chose for our lunch spot. Benji and Remington took their seats on either side of me, bright smiles on their faces at the excitement we shared with the experience we were about to have.  I looked back and forth, noticing dimples and the exact same expression which was a reminder that nature is definitely just as strong as nurture.

Daisy had the brightest grin I had ever seen as she leaned over her plate and past Benji to look at me, "I realized it's a place we haven't tried yet but knew it would be perfect for today."

"Perfect timing since we got a table right away! This was such a smart idea, baby girl!" Doc gave her a side hug and kissed Daisy on the temple, making her daughter beam. They were in sync today, a clear sign that the time Doc took away from work was appreciated.

I turned to my left and caught Remi as he tucked his pain med bottle back in his backpack, swallowing a pill with the water already placed by the waitress.  He raised his eyebrows and grimaced as he swallowed then took another drink, effectively finishing his glass of water.  Benji and Daisy were discussing which lunch hibachi special to go with so I opened the menu and tilted it toward Remi. "What sounds good to you?"

He smiled, scooting closer while resting his arm on the back of my chair, "Salmon?  Maybe?"

"That's what I was looking at, also!"

"So was I!" Benji laughed,  leaning toward us while I turned back to smile at him.  "Of course the three of us want the same thing."

I chuckled, "Okay, I'm gonna get shrimp, then." My eyes focused on Benji for a long moment as I continued, "Usually my Beep and I would each get something different and share meals, but do you want to get the salmon and share with me, Remi?" My brother smiled at me before I turned and saw Remington doing the same.

"What?" I asked, tilting my head as he shook his.

"I would love to get the salmon and split with you, Lissy." Remington spoke softly, his voice dropping lower as his eyes flicked to my lips, "Maybe... for the rest of our lives."

My heart pounded at the intense stare and firm but gentle grip of his hand on my shoulder.  I felt Remi's thumb stroke the front of my collarbone which sent a shiver through my body before my brain registered that I should respond.

"Only maybe?" I breathed, releasing a laugh I didn't anticipate. He grinned, shaking his head before scooting forward to move our menus aside while the waitress began to take Daisy's order.

"Alice Davidson, will you share a meal with me?" He asked dramatically, eyes twinkling like the night sky.

We placed our orders and chatted about physical therapy, each of us having a much easier time this session thanks to all the at-home stretches and other work done before the appointment. Thankfully I was able to see my therapist for a short session so that Benji was not alone for long.  The staggered appointment times was intentional and if needed Jesse offered that Benji could hang out at the waiting room near his nurse's station.  He was so busy on 12 hour shifts the last few days but had a three day weekend coming up that Remington mentioned as a great time to catch up.  Our morning went smoothly and Daisy was surprised that I had to pick the guys up at Greg's.

"I didn't wet the bed, either, Daisy." Benji teased before sipping his miso soup, letting out a sigh of appreciation as soon as he took his first bite.

She laughed, "Well, I know that, Ben! I just figured you would at least let Lissy make you waffles or something. What did you do all morning, Liss!  You didn't have to get these idiots until 9:30!"

Train WreckTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon