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Remington POV

My body felt like it was barely held together by the time I laid down in bed.

That had to be one of my favorite days ever....

I smiled to myself, yawning while I ran my hand over my face and thought about everything that happened.  Every laugh I heard, every crinkled nose and shiny eyed smile.  Every single lilt of her voice and each time Liss met my eyes and smiled just for me. My dad and I stayed at Alice's longer than I expected but he was enjoying himself and loved watching Benji interact with everyone.

Daisy. She knows. I had a feeling she was perceptive but asking me outright what my intentions were with Alice was a bold move.

At least she knew I would be honest. When I grinned and just said, "To spend as much time with her as possible," I knew it was the perfect answer.

It's the truth.

Time is all we need.

It's the one thing my dad and I do not have.

We had an incredible meal of lively conversations and delicious food. Doc and Daisy had apparently never been to Atlanta so Benji and I enjoyed telling them all about Truist Park and what makes Fox Bros the best in the city (not just because it's what the Braves eat). Daisy asked a million questions that Benji answered patiently while Alice just watched with the sweetest smile on her face.

It was a smile that showed how proud she was that her little brother was so confident and able to express himself. That he had a personality and opinions and knew how to put those things together even around grown ups.

Maybe especially around grown ups.

My dad seemed tired and a bit out of it so we left pretty soon after supper was done. I was able to help him get settled then spend a little time catching up on work emails and getting laundry started as well as unpacking my bag. The quiet time was a nice break, even though all I wanted was to be near Alice.

She could have come along, but space is a good idea as well.

In past relationships, especially when I was dating Dana again in college, I drifted towards being codependent.  This time needs to be different.

I heard my phone vibrate and saw the screen light up in my dark room. My heart raced at the thought that it could be Liss, waking me enough to roll over and reach for the device.

ALICE: "So Doc took us to the Creamery for banana splits and I spotted a pic on the wall of you!!"

Attached was a photo of the polaroid, a staple of the ice cream shop whose faded posted photographs for special occasions lined the walls. This picture was labeled "Happy 13th, Remington!" and I laughed at the bright smiles of two tan little boys standing in front of a massive ice cream Sundae. My heart melted at the sentiment and I thought about how to respond. 

Alice seems to always find ways inside my soul when I least expect it.

ALICE: "Also, sleeping in tomorrow as late as possible. Seriously. So if you get here and we don't answer the door, the back slider will be unlocked so you can come on in that way."

Now I laughed harder, nodding my head at the idea of sneaking into their house while she slept and making breakfast for them.  I thought about what I could grab and how I could put everything together, maybe grabbing flowers and a bottle of champagne for mimosas... but then my smile faded.

Now is not our time.

I know it isn't and I think she does, also.

I can feel that now is wrong.  My dad needs my focus and we literally just got here after a traumatic event.

The ideas were still brewing so I jotted a few down in a new Notes file on my phone for a day when the timing was right and I did feel like surprising Liss with breakfast would be a good call.

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