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Remington POV

"So, you feel okay about the text you sent?" Jesse asked, handing me the zip up sweatshirt I asked for from my suitcase.

I nodded, "Really okay. It covered all my bases. Confirmed we would have an official first date and that I was enjoying just the relaxing time we had together now as well."

He moved to the IV pole and unplugged my port from the main line, "Okay, toiletries are in the bathroom and your bandages are waterproofed so feel free to take a shower now and when you're done I will plug you back in and we can go to breakfast."

"You mean brunch?" I asked, grinning.

Jesse shook his head, "You are so whipped. I've never seen you like this before, not even when you and Dana were back together in college."

My eyes shot to his, "Oh, shit. I should probably give Liss a heads up about that soon, huh?"

He shrugged, "I mean, it's just an ex... I wouldn't worry about it right now. You just got here yesterday after a crazy accident. Give yourself a little time here, man."

But I'll be her first everything...

I smiled, gingerly standing from the hospital bed, "Yeah, I just want to make sure I do things right. Full transparency, man."

Jesse laughed, "Okay, I'm gonna go rescue Doc Eddie from Benji. Oh, her daughter Daisy is going to be coming by when you guys get home I guess. Doc felt like things were just too crazy here with people around and getting physical therapy started for Liss today for her hip."

"No shit." I chuckled, "It's impossible to get any rest here, so I'm not surprised." We made eye contact and smirked at each other, remembering the look on Benji's face when he saw the photograph of Daisy and Doc together. "So, how do we want to play this with Benji and his new... uhh... friend?"

He considered a moment while I stood and stretched. "Well, I think Liss and Doc already know the two of them are going to be a perfect pair but I am sure they want to make sure it stays focused on friendship."

"They're children," I reminded myself as well as him. "I kind of forget that Benji is only fourteen. He seems so much older."

Jesse laughed, "Because he swears, but not like a kid that just learned how to swear."

"Exactly!" I exclaimed, agreeing with a nod. "That is exactly it, Jess."

I grabbed the stack of clean clothes and made my way into the bathroom.  Jesse helped me get the shower controls figured out before heading to Benji's room and giving me time to think. 

I was thankful for solitude, especially since I was so used to being alone all the time in general.

The water was running and turned hot almost instantly. I tweaked the temperature a bit and allowed it to cool off while my mind parsed everything I've had racing around the last forty eight hours.

It's a brand new day, but now I can really process things more effectively.

The night was scattered with flashes of nightmares and moments of peace.

Glimmers of Liss, smiling in future moments I am positive we will have. Like a premonition, the Ghost of Christmas Future visiting me to show dinners out at sports bars for the Super Bowl and nights at home binge watching Netflix. I could imagine getting home from work and seeing her there, making dinner, while Benji was hanging out at the kitchen counter.

I had an image of her in a gorgeous blue dress, bright smile, walking toward me. Maybe that first date? Wishful thinking, most likely, since the last thing I did before falling asleep was finally send her the text I drafted a million times before finally sending.

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