twenty eight

173 25 5

Alice POV

"Good to see you again, Alice," Doctor Jamison said from my laptop screen as I curled up cross legged on my bed, tilting the screen so I could see her more clearly.

"Hey, Raina!" I waved, reaching for my cup of coffee and taking a sip, "So, how is Atlanta?"

She smirked, "Ah, ah, ah!  I know for a fact you have news for me, Lissy, so you better start to spill."

My therapist has known me since I was eight years old.  She was in grad school and Raina Connors at that time, but took me on as one of her first patients.  Daddy and Clara loved the work we did together, especially since she helped me unwind the anxiety that was always driving my actions.

Fourteen years, speaking at least once a week by text if nothing else, creates a deep and abiding connection.  Raina is not just my therapist.  She's a close friend who happens to get paid for our weekly sessions thanks to everything Daddy took care of through his military benefits.

I groaned at her comment, setting down my mug and burying my face in my hands, "Raina!!  I don't know what to say!"

"Then tell me why you blushed the second I saw your face when you picked up today, Alice."

She caught me red handed, so to speak.

We spent the following hour catching up about Remington. I previously emailed her the background about Benji and that we were waiting on DNA results so I could avoid speaking about that topic while my brother could overhear. She wrote back with some ideas I could try so things ran smoothly before we received the results and asked to be kept in the loop, especially since this would make a huge difference on my life as well as Benji's.

Everything will change, regardless of how we handle the next steps.

I need to be more cautious.

Having a couple drinks with Remington last night was not the best idea.  I was thankful he had more restraint than I did and scolded myself for teasing him so much. It was unfair to constantly make comments when I don't have any true idea what I'm talking about.

It's all fun and games until things get out of hand and I'm left wishing I hadn't said a thing.

"So, Liss?  Do you regret the conversation last night?  Do you regret the kiss?"  Raina asked, pressing the issue after I shared how the evening went and expressed my concerns.

I shook my head forcefully, "I would never regret kissing Remington.  Never.  I only regret pushing things ahead faster than need be.  He made it clear he wants to take me on my first ever date, so I want to respect that and give him that chance."

As I shared this insight I watched how Raina's eyes lit up, a brighter smile on her face.  "Alice Davidson!"

My hands ran up my neck and covered my face again as I blushed, "I know!!  Raina!!  Help me!!"  I exclaimed, laughing in spite of my discomfort and confusion.  "I am so outside of my depth here."

She chuckled at my reaction but shook her head, "Nah, you've got this handled.  From what you've told me he is already breathing along with you and knows how to cut through your bullshit to get you to actually talk."

"Hey!" I retorted.

Raina continued in spite of my interjection, "It's true!  I've known you since you were a little squirt and you've always been hard to get close to for new people. The fact that you met him and were able to connect so quickly is a testament to whatever bond you are grafting with one another.  Just don't downplay the significance of what you are building with Remi."

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