thirty six

152 23 4

Remington POV

Slide, up, down, slide, up, down....

Harder.... More pressure... yeah..... hmmm.... yeah....

More grease... yesss... not too slippery, just enough of a grip, tighter then looser... up...down...

I let out a groan at the sound of the screen door, setting down the dirty rag and giving my new bike a long look in the garage at Alice and Benji's house.

Dad was at the hospital for some doctor appointment stuff this morning so I arrived bright and early along with my new bike kit so my half brother could help me get this girl put together.  I may be new at bikes overall but he knew exactly what to do.  Benji clearly had experience and walked me through each step, giving guidance but teaching clearly.

"Well?" Benji asked, handing me an Arctic Cherry Gatorade straight from the freezer. He placed a few in there about a half hour ago to see if it would turn them into slush. The plastic bottle was definitely frosty but not near as cold as expected when I cracked the top open, sipping at first after catching my breath.

I took a long drink and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, my shirt long gone thanks to the 90 plus degree temps today. "I think this bike is gonna be perfect for me. It's way too hot out to bike right now, but at least she's all assembled now!"

We looked out into the street where the sun sizzled over the driveway, even at barely eleven AM. Our shirts were thrown off within moments of opening the garage door, the heat oppressive even with box fans blowing to keep the air moving.  

"They didn't freeze." Benji leaned against the trunk of their car, taking another long drink as he looked out into the neighborhood.  "Maybe we can leave them longer next time?  There's no carbonation so they won't explode like Coke would."

"Smart move, dude..." I began but we were interrupted by the door opening behind us.

"Guys! Back yard when you're done!" Lissy hollered from the house. Benji grinned in the direction of her voice and stood taller, bracing himself on the car while he stretched his leg and adjusted the boot.

"What is she planning?" I narrowed my eyes at Benji and he gave me a shrug. "Bro?  Come on, Benji..."

He chuckled, shaking his head while droplets of sweat fell around him. "Let's just listen to Liss, okay?"

I grinned and nodded, grabbing my shirt and looking around the work bench for my phone. There was a text I missed a few minutes prior from Alice so after a swipe I read out loud.

ALICE: "Come back and cool off when you're ready!"

"I think I know what they're up to!" I offered my phone toward Benji and his eyes grew wider.

"Wanna change?" He asked, noticing the basketball shorts I was wearing.

"Uhh, maybe?  I mean, I have other shorts in my bag so I'm good but I'll wait and see what's going on. I'll just make sure to put my phone on the table so it stays dry to start off with but then maybe I'll run in and throw the trunks on." I smirked while grabbing my drink and shirt, drying my sweat once again before walking into the sun with Benji and around the house to the side gate.

Lively music was playing and I recognized the Beach Boys, "California Girls," opening the backyard gate to an excited Peach who was jumping to grab a frisbee right in front of us.

Benji and I let out a "Whoa!" in unison, causing the girls to laugh as Peach landed not two feet in front of us before circling each of us for pets then dropping the frisbee so Benji could give it a toss.

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