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Remington POV

"You sure she didn't pull anything today?  I know you didn't move heavy boxes but even twisting the wrong direction could be dangerous for Alice..."

Doc sounded concerned as she grilled me again about Lissy's physical state while we stepped onto the deck with Peach for a late-night frisbee chase.  She was concerned as soon as they arrived earlier in the evening and saw how exhausted the three of us were.  Daisy swept in with her special brand of cheerful assistance, serving drinks and bringing plates as Liss usually would if her body allowed, but Doc knew better than to mask what was going on.

I sighed, shaking my head before making eye contact with her. "I am not sure, Doc. Liss stepped up when I had a panic attack so she was in overdrive today. I knew she was feeling it but I'm worried she's going too far and reinjured her hips or something."

Her head waffled side to side, considering my words before the slider opened behind us. We turned to see Liss saunter outside with a mug of cocoa in her hands, oversized hoodie draped over her exhausted body.  The slow footsteps were labored but a bright smile covered pain we both knew lurked beneath.

Lissy yawned, the back of her hand drifting to cover her mouth, before chuckling as she joined us. "I just can't seem to stay awake!"

My arms reached toward Lissy while Peach dropped the frisbee for Doc. "Kids playing more Catan?" Doc asked, smiling gently while I tugged Liss into my arms.

She nodded, "Yeah, they are sticking digital but will bring the big game with all our expansions tomorrow for the pool party.  I told them all of us could play tonight, too, just to get an advantage over Taylor and his fam."

"Oh shit, so all of us could play at once?"  I asked, excited at the thought of a massive Catan-a-thon.

Lissy giggled, "They are going to get as many of us as possible for Super Catan. Trish mentioned painting some of the expansion colors with nail polish if they had to add new colors, too."

I felt her sigh happily as her body collapsed into mine. A brief moment of respite with my Little lamb in spite of the storm inside her body.  Peach returned to us and dropped a tennis ball near my feet but Liss groaned as she stooped and tossed so the puppy could keep running.

"So, Alice, what's the status?" Doc asked in her more authoritative voice, facing us as Lissy released a loud sigh.

"I strained something in my back so the hip pain flared more today but overall I just did too much. That's all." Lissy defended herself gently but I could read between the lines.

She did more because I was mentally checked out when we arrived at the farmhouse earlier.

I mentally kicked myself for not staying present, especially when it was already a tough week of aches and pains.  Why couldn't I hold myself together?  It's just an empty shell of a house.  A building should have no control over me.

A soft hand circled my wrist and my Lissy yet again reminded me to calm myself without a word.

Breathe... inhale for four.... Hold for seven... Exhale for eight...

Instinct kicked in along with vibrant memories of our moments on the forest floor right after the train crash. She had a way of helping me stay grounded even when I didn't realize I needed backup.

"Benji is probably getting the cast off his arm and boot off next Tuesday and will then switch to an easier walking boot. We need to keep a close eye on you, Liss, to make sure you don't end up stalling the last of your summer plans," Doc explained gently, her voice relaxing me further. "I want you to be able to start that new job in about a week but again, everything hinges on you listening to your body."

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