Chapter 30

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TW: Mention of Self Harm and Eating Disorder

POV. Minho

I woke up with the sun starting to shine through the window. I looked down and saw Jisung hugging close to me and my hands that were around him like always. I smiled to myself and tried to get up slowly so as not to wake up the younger boy. 

When I got out of bed, I picked up my phone and left the room as quietly as possible. I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and call Felix. I leaned against the counter and dialed the number.

"Hey hyung. Why are you not in school yet?"

"I won't be there today. Somehow at midnight Jisung came to my house and explained everything to me." I said calmly and waited for a reaction from the other boy.

"Is he at your place now? Should I come?"

"Now he sleeps in my room. You can come in the evening. For now, I don't want him to be so stressed. You don't even want to know what his condition was yesterday when he came here."

"Okay. If anything happens, call me immediately." He said and we said goodbye and hung up.

I put the phone in my pants pocket and poured water into a glass. As I was leaving the kitchen, I saw Jisung standing in the doorway of the living room, rubbing his eyes with one of his hands. I put glass down on the coffee table and walked over to him.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" I asked calmly, pulling him gently to me.

"You weren't near so I got up." He said, yawning and hugging me as well.

"It's still early so we can go on to sleep if you want." He just nodded his head at which I just smiled and picked him up holding his thighs. 

He wrapped his legs around my waist and put his hands on my shoulders. When we were in the room, I went to the window and slightly closed the blind so that the room was not so bright. And then I went to bed with boy wrapped to me like a koala. I kissed the top of his head again and closed my eyes trying to sleep for a while longer.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

I woke up first again and looked at the watch that was standing on one of the bedside tables. I sighed softly and began to wake up Jisung.

"Hey, it's almost noon." I said to which the boy just mumbled something under his breath. "Jisung you have to get up, you can't sleep all day."

"I wake up now." His words were quite quiet as his face was almost completely hidden in the hollow of his sweatshirt.

I rose gently to sit down so that the younger one also had to get up because he was still hugging my body.

"Are you hungry? I can make you something to eat if you want." I said and lifted his head slightly to meet his eyes.

"I-I... I really would, but I probably won't be able to." He's eyes were sad, and I just put his face in my hands and rub his cheeks softly.

"It's okay. If you want we can go and watch a movie. I won't force you to do anything."

He just nodded his head and then we got up and went to the living room. My cats were sleeping on one of the couches so we sat on the other and I put on the first movie I found. Jisung came closer again and I put one arm around him.

"Since when are you so drawn to cuddling?" I asked, looking at his face out of the corner of my eye.

"If you want, I can stop at any time."

"And am I saying it's wrong?" I laughed and the younger one looked at me at the same time. "What?" I asked looking into his eyes.

"Can I have a kiss?" A slight flush appeared on his cheeks and he started to turn his head. 

I put my hand on one of his cheeks and pulled him to me. Unfortunately our sweet moment didn't last long by knocking on the door. I reluctantly moved away from the younger one and got up from the couch. I went to the door and as soon as I opened them, Felix entered, followed by Changbin.

"Yes you can come in." I said sarcastically then closed the door and said hello to Changbin.

"I couldn't calm him all day. He made me come over now."

"Typical Felix." I shook my head and walked over to the living room where the blonde took my place. So I sat on the other couch and started watching the movie again where I didn't know what was going on anyway.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

POV. Jisung

I saw Minho come back to the room and how unhappy he was that he couldn't sit next to me. It made me laugh a little and I motioned for Felix to exit. We got up together and I walked over to the older boy and kissed him on the cheek so he wouldn't be angry.

"We're going to talk to the park." I smiled and he nodded and pecked my nose.

As soon as we went outside Felix gave me a strange look. I looked at him not knowing what he meant and he just laughed.

"Besides that you were talking during the night something happened that I don't know?" He asked, and my cheeks turned red immediately at the thought of what happened last night.

"Maybe we kissed..." I said quietly, not really knowing if I should talk about it.

"I told you you'd be together anyway." Felix clapped a few times and I silenced him immediately.

"We're not together. We only kissed once. Okay maybe two, but you interrupted us."

We both laughed and entered the park. We walked for some time in silence, listening to the rustling of the trees and watching the birds flying between the trees.

"What have you been doing this week? We were worried." We stopped and sat down on one of the benches.

"Practically nothing. I was lying in bed. I listened to my mother's screams." I said and Felix just looked at me seriously. "So be it." I rolled up my sweatshirt sleeves and showed all the bandages I should change today. The boy took one of my hands and kissed my wrist gently.

"So that it heals better." He smiled sadly and I covered my arms again. "You probably didn't eat anything either. Did you?" I nodded at what the boy just hugged me. "We can handle it. We'll all help you too."

"Thank you Felix. For being there." I said softly and hugged him too.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

We spent a good few hours in the park and then returned to Minho's apartment. Inside there was Changbin who had to wait for Felix so at least they weren't bored too much. We went inside and went to the lounge. Changbin sat on one couch and Minho sat on the other. I walked over to the black haired boy, sat on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Nice to see you too." He laughed as he hugged my waist.

"Look at them. They're not even together and they're sweeter than us." I heard Felix's voice and looked at him. He himself was sitting next to Changbin with his hand on his hip.

"Shut up Felix." We all laughed and I was happy it should be getting better now.

Among our laughs, we heard the ringing of the phone that belonged to Felix. The boy picked up and talked for a moment with someone and then looked at us.

"We can expect the rest to come soon." He said and put his phone down on the coffee table.

"Sometimes I wonder if it's me or you who live here." Minho sighed at which we laughed again.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

I hate school. I failed two subjects and it was all because of the teachers.

But because I haven't spoken for so long, you have five chapters today. And from Saturday I will try to publish it regularly.

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