Chapter 22

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POV. Jisung

When we finally managed to make a fire, we sat around it and thought about what we could do first. No one was hungry yet so we canceled the option to eat anything. We kept thinking until finally Felix said that we should go swimming while the sun is still shining and it is not so cold. They all agreed and started taking off unnecessary pieces of clothes and throwing them on the sand around.

When everyone headed towards the water, I was still sitting by the fire, watching as they jump into the water one after the other. The only person who stayed with me was Felix who sat next to me.

"Are you not coming with us?" He asked looking also at the rest.

"You know very well that I can't swim." I laughed.

"And you know very well that's not the only reason. And I know it too." He looked at me and I immediately stopped laughing.

"My scars are visible. I don't want others to see them." I said as I pulled my shorts up lightly. "If you want, you can go to them. I won't keep you here." Felix smiled apologetically at me and went to the rest.

And in this way I was left alone watching everyone having fun. I took my phone out of my pocket and read the messages my mother had sent earlier. She wrote in them that as soon as I get back, I will not leave the house anywhere else than to school and accused me of having a new "boyfriend". I just sighed and put the phone down beside me.

After a few minutes Minho came up to me and sat down in the place where Felix had been sitting earlier. I just looked at him with a questioning look and he was looking at me with water droplets on his face.

"Are you not coming to us?" He asked, running his hand through his wet hair.

"I can't swim." I laughed again and he looked at me like I was an idiot.

"So what? Some are also barely coping. You saw how Hyunjin fall onto his back while jumping."

"Except I can't even support myself so as not to go down. So thank you if it comes to drowning."

"Oh come on. You can't sit here all the time. I promise if you drown I'll get you out." He got up and held out his hand towards me.

"I really don't want to go there." After my words I was brutally pulled by one hand towards the older boy.

"Too late."

We started walking towards the platform and that was more like Minho was walking and I groaned with dissatisfaction behind him. Once we got there, I stood in the middle and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Now hold on." He said and walked over to me.

"Wait what are you-"

I didn't manage to do anything and Minho grabbed my thighs and jumped into the water. Before I knew it we were under the water and soon after we surfaced and I started to breathe faster.

"Minho! You idiot!" I hit him in the chest with my hand but afterwards wrapped my arms around his neck in fear.

"You see you're not drowning." He laughed and all I felt was his hands tightening on my thighs.

"If you let go of me, I will kill you." I said brushing my wet hair from my forehead.

The boy just nodded and then would swim to the rest. Felix started laughing at what I looked like because I was holding onto Minho as if my life belonged to him, because that's how it was right now. Some said we looked like a couple at the moment, but we quickly shut them down.

"If Jisung is here too, we can start." Changbin said and took Felix on his shoulders. Chan did the same with Jeongin and Hyunjin with Seungmin.

"You wanted to drown me just to fight in the water for who would fall first. After all, you know it will be me!" I looked at everyone and then at Minho. "There's no way I will agree to drown me."

"If you want, I can let you go at any time." After that, he slowly let go of my thighs and I quickly wrapped my legs around his waist and tightened my arms more around his neck.

"Don't even dare."

"Just do what the rest of them do. If you fall I'll catch you right away." I just nodded at his "persuasive" words and began to slowly let go. He at that time fell under the water and before I knew it I was lifted out of the water. "I'll hold you so you don't have to be afraid." As soon as I felt his hands on my legs I nodded again.

"Then we can start." Chan laughed and at the same time hell began.

Everyone could hear the laughter of others as they tried not to fall. And of course my screams when Felix was too close to me. As it turned out later, I was not the first person in the water, but at some point I landed in it. However, I was immediately pulled out of it, which I was really grateful for.

"Never again." I said gasping for air.

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We spent a good few hours in the water and when it started to get darker we decided to go out because it started to get colder. I myself, as soon as I got ashore, I wrapped my arms around myself and was shaking all over. 

When we were all by the fire and sat down, I realized that I was wearing a T-shirt the whole time. And the worst part was I didn't take any other.

"Jisung you do not change? You will be sick later." Said Seungmin, who was currently drying his hair with a towel.

"It just so happens that I wasn't going to go swimming so I wasn't taking any other clothes. And it turned out that I was thrown into the water with my clothes on."

"You can take this." Said Minho who was sitting next to me and was looking for something in his backpack. After a while he pulled out a black hoodie and handed it to me.

"Hyung it will be even colder later. You also need to change into something."

"It will be colder and you only have wet clothes. I still have a dry T-shirt and spare shorts." He put his sweatshirt on my lap and stood up and put on his shirt. "Get dressed without talking."

I just nodded my head without any desire to argue about clothes. I took off the soaked T-shirt and then put on the previously given sweatshirt. And I had to admit it was really warm.

When everyone was dressed in dry clothes, I picked up guitar and started playing one of the songs I remembered. I started singing right away and Seungmin started right after me and then all the rest. Meanwhile, Felix opened a packet of marshmallows and everyone started baking them over the fire which still gave us a lot of light and warmth.

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Because of school and the fact that I'm in dorms I keep forgetting to post chapters on Tuesdays so from now on they will only show up on Fridays when I'm home.

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