Chapter 23

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POV. Jisung

We spent a good few more hours at the lake. At that time we organized a volleyball competition which ended with my team losing and Chan got hit in the face with the ball. We also danced a lot to the music and I found out that Minho is a very good dancer. We also took a lot of photos to be able to remember everything about that day in the future. And this is how the whole evening passed.

After putting out the fire and taking all our belongings, we started walking slowly towards the cottage because everyone was already very tired because it was almost one in the morning. 

Jeongin fell asleep on Chan's back a long time ago and he had to carry him and Hyunjin was literally falling asleep while walking so Seungmin helped him to walk quite straight. Felix and I walked at the very end and sang something softly to stay awake while walking. After a much longer route than before, we finally saw our cottage.

Upon entering it, we left all our stuff on the living room floor and we all agreed to clean everything up in the morning. Everyone went to their own bedrooms as well and as soon as we entered the room Minho immediately lay down on the bed and I just yawned.

"Hyung you need to change." I laughed and poked him lightly on the shoulder.

"I'll do it in the morning. I need sleep."

I turned on one of the lamps that stood next to the bed to make the room a little bright. I just changed into shorts that didn't have sand everywhere and I lay down on the bed next to Minho who had already fall asleep. 

Just as I was about to turn off the lights I got a message from Felix to come to the back of the house because he wants to talk to me. I smiled and left the room as quietly as possible, leaving the light on. I went down the stairs that creaked under pressure every now and then and went outside through the back door. Immediately I saw Felix sitting on one of the chairs next to the table on which the candles were lit.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I sat down next to the blonde boy who only smiled at me.

"You're still wearing Minho sweatshirt." He said, and then I realized I hadn't taken it off.

"I even forgot that I am wearing it." We both laughed.

"Do you think that something in some relationships will change after this trip?" He asked looking at the sky where millions of stars were visible.

"I hope Hyunjin talks to Seungmin. I'm sick of the way they look at each other." I also looked above myself and the stars were reflected in my eyes.

"What about any other relationship? For example you and Minho?" He said quietly. As if no one else could find out about it.

"Felix I told you many times. Even if I feel something for Minho, I don't know if he feels the same." I sighed and looked at my hands on my thighs.

"Now ask yourself. You don't know if Minho feels the same or are you just afraid of your feelings?" He turned his head towards me and I did exactly the same, meeting his dark eyes in which the candlelight was reflected.

"I don't know Felix. I'm sure I'm scared. You definitely remember what happened the last time I was in a relationship."

"I know. But I also know that Minho hyung is not like him. And he certainly wouldn't do anything you don't want to do. So give him a chance and you'll see that you'll be happy again." He smiled at me like he always does when he's really happy.

"You are my sunshine Felix. And you really need to know that. Thank you for always being there for me, even though I can't always handle everything on my own." I said then pulled my knees to my chest and put my head on them still looking at the blonde.

"That's what I am for. To always be with you."

His words made me want to cry but I didn't want to do it now. We sat in such silence for about fifteen minutes listening to the wind move the trees in the forest.

"My mother wrote to me." I said quite softly.

"What this time?"

"She said that as soon as I get back I won't leave the house anywhere other than school. So at least for this week I won't have a chance to leave the house."

"Remember that you can always stay with me." We used to do this when my mother was very angry. But I doubted it would have gotten over this time.

"I prefer not to risk really. And she's already angry at the fact that I didn't tell her I'm going here even if I did and I hardly wrote back."

Felix just nodded and looked again at the sky where single clouds started to appear. And this is how we spent the next half an hour. We didn't talk about anything, just sat and watched the slowly moving clouds. We often made nights like that. We just talked about everything we don't talk about during the day. Night was our time when we could say whatever was going to stay between us as always. And the night never lets the secrets out.

After some time we gathered inside because it was getting colder and the clouds had already obscured all the stars. Before Felix entered his bedroom, he stopped and hugged me.

"I'm sure everything will be fine. I believe it." He said softly and I hugged him tighter.

After a few seconds we said good night to each other and I went to my room myself. When I was there I tried to move as quietly as possible to my part of the bed. However, it didn't work out very well for me because when I was lying down, Minho woke up.

"Where have you been?" He said sleepily in his low voice that sent a pleasant shiver down my spine.

"I was talking to Felix." I replied softly and turned off the light and face Minho right after.

He pulled me close with one hand, placing it on my waist and my cheeks turned red at once.

"Next time, tell me you're going somewhere. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you."

I just nodded and snuggled into the older boys warm, clutching one of my hands over his T-shirt.

And maybe Felix was telling the truth. Maybe things will start to fall into place after all.

But hope is the last to die. Right?

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