Chapter 20

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POV. Jisung

"Hyunjin, I tell you one last time. Give me back that fucking phone!" I was already in the process of going to the backseats of the car to get my property back, but Seungmin was faster and just took the phone from the older boy's hand.

"And done." I got it in my hand and Hyunjin got a good slap on the back of the head. At the same moment he stopped laughing.

"I just wanted to stop and throw you both out." Said Minho, who was currently sitting in the driver's seat.

"But I didn't do anything! That idiot took my phone away." I sat back down in my seat and folded my arms over my chest as if I were a little baby.

"One more word and I'll really throw you out. It's just that I won't stop the car."

I said nothing more and only sighed, looking out the window of the moving car. We still had two hours of driving ahead of us because we decided to go to the lake for the weekend. We were going to the Changbin's house to which he borrowed the keys from his parents. 

We also had to get there in some way so Chan and Minho agreed to drive their cars and I landed with Minho, Hyunjin and Seungmin in one car just because our lovely two couples were driving in the other. 

The only thing that pleased me was that I didn't have to sit in the back and my role was to choose songs. Sometimes when we all knew the lyrics we sang as loud as we could. Although at some points I wouldn't call it singing. 

Seungmin was also arguing about something with Hyunjin and Minho wanted to throw them out early. But I don't know what exactly they were talking about because I got up early in the morning to pack everything and I was half awake due to lack of sleep.

As we were sitting, the silence between us was interrupted by the incoming notification on my phone. I picked it up and thought it was Felix, but my hope turned to sadness as soon as I saw who it really was. 

It was a message from my mother in which she asked me so kindly where I was. Of course I told her I would be gone all weekend but apparently she wasn't listening to me talking about it. I texted her back shortly and muted the notification sounds.

"Are you okay? You suddenly stopped smiling as soon as you looked at the message." I turned my head towards Minho who was looking at me for a few seconds.

"Yes. Why should it be bad?" I forced a smile and started eating my jellies slowly, which I had opened a while ago. I also handed one to Minho to which he just smiled and started to eat.

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After another two hours we finally got there. As soon as I got out of the car I only heard my bones because I was sitting in one position for a long time. I started to help in unpacking things from the trunk which were not as much as I thought. 

When everyone had their suitcases with them, we gathered in front of the entrance and then Changbin opened the door and showed us the interior of the house. We went inside and everyone was delighted with how everything looked like.

"I remembered we have one problem." Changbin began and we all looked at him. "There are only four bedrooms here and you know me and Felix will be in one and Chan and Jeongin in the other. But you have to choose somehow." He pointed to the four of us. I immediately looked significantly at Hyunjin and pointed slightly in the direction of Seungmin.

"I can be in the room with Seungmin." Said the black-haired boy.

"I do not mind." Said Seungmin with a slight flush on his face.

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