Cross My Soul and Hope to Fall

Start from the beginning

" name is Cross." Okay, okay, that was better. "And yours?"

"I am known as Nightmare. Might I ask what AU this is?"

"Um..what?" I hated acronyms..

He frowned. "Where am I?"

"..This is..well, this used to home.." I looked at the white landscape longingly; I wondered what this part used to be.

"Why do you remain here?"

"Not like I have a choice.." I spared another glance at the stranger. "'d be willing to help me?"

He hummed. "This is interesting..usually, I make the requests.."

"I'm willing to do anything..within reason."

"Very intriguing." He nodded slowly. "Well, I do have need for something...can you fight well?"

"That's about the only thing I've had time to do here; I'm capable." I hoped this 'fighting' need would grant me freedom from this place..

"In that case, I won't sugarcoat it." He smirked. "I give you your freedom from this place, if you will accept a role in my gang."

"Gang?" I tilted my skull curiously.

"I'm somewhat of a criminal; I deal in chaos and negativity. If you're willing to join me, I'd be delighted to oblige your request of freedom from this place." He held out his hand.

"It's a deal!" I shook his goop-covered hand, ignoring any bits that might have rubbed off on me in my excitement.

"Very well, I'll take you to meet the others."

For once in my life, I was happy. Chara decided to remain silent as we were taken out of the void and into what seemed to be an actual building! With a couch! I almost squealed - but I didn't, since that would have been a very unprofessional thing to do after being hired by a criminal gang leader. He called out a few names - if Killer, Horror, and Dust were names, as I assumed they were, since this was a criminal gang - and gestured for me to sit down on the couch, which I did happily.

"They should be down in a minute or so." Nightmare stated. "May I ask what your weapon of choice is?"

"Oh, uh, I have this.." I pulled out my oversized knife; Chara called it a 'hack' knife, although he wouldn't tell me why. 

"Interesting." He hummed as he looked at the blade curiously. "You might want to keep this within sight at all times.."


"..Well, let's just say that one of the people in this house has a bit of a knife addiction..and he isn't the type to simply let you keep whatever blades you have."

"Good to know.." I placed my knife on my back in its sheathe.

"Here, Boss!" A new voice yelled from down the hall.

And so began the introductions. Three skeletons - I had a feeling that my assumption about ten million skeletons wasn't as crazy as I had thought it was at the time - came out of the shadows to meet me, and they all seemed to be slightly suspicious while trying to be welcoming..that interested me. The first to introduce himself seemed drawn to my back, making multiple comments about my chosen weapon before introducing himself as Killer; I wondered what the substance dripping from his eyelights was. The second to step up called himself Horror, and he certainly looked as if he had come from a horror show, if the giant hole in his skull had anything to say for him. The third and final skeleton to introduce himself claimed the last name of Dust, and he was definitely covered in his namesake..I didn't know how to feel about that at the time. Over the course of two weeks, Nightmare had tested my skills and strength to see if I was worthy of joining his "gang," and I had worked hard to prove myself; by the end, he accepted me fully and integrated me into his group officially, promising that he wouldn't let me be stuck in my former "home" again. And everything was quiet.

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