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CITLALI ARRIVED AT BAU KNOWING SHE WAS STILL ON LEAVE, AND NOT YET CLEARED for field duty. So she heads directly to Rossi's office.

Rossi's look tell everything she needs to know. "You're supposed to be home."

"I was bored of staying home, so I came here." Citlali says. "And the house reminds me of Mason."

"You're staying with Penelope, if we get a call." Rossi tells her.

"Of course." She gives him a small smile. "Rossi?" He looks at her. "Thank you." The two walk of his office.

The pair hear Spencer say, "Yeah, I know. It's great news. Thank you. Bye. Yes!"

Dave asks, "Are we interrupting a private moment?"

Spencer says, "That was the director of the assisted care home where my mother lives."

"And?" Citlali asks.

Spencer says, "I kept quiet because I didn't want to jinx it, but there's a groundbreaking clinical study on Alzheimer's at Johns Hopkins next month, and I just found out that my mom's gonna be one of the participants. She got in."

Dave says, "That's great news, Spencer."'

"Spence, that's great." Citlali smiles.

Spencer says, "It's huge. The program's called metabolic enhancement for neuro-degeneration, and results from earlier tests are hopeful, not just to slow the disease but to actually reverse it. Yaah ha ha ha ha!"

Penelope says, "Ok, it's customary that the lottery winner shares that mega-payout with the rest of the office. What are you doing here? You're supposed to be home resting." Penelope looks at Citlali.

"I got bored, plus if there's a case, I get to stay with you." Citlali smiles.

"Well, Reid's news is even better than that." Dave says.

Penelope says, "Oh. I can't wait to hear, but right now we got a case."

Rossi says, "Just spoke to Hotch. He's still on TDY but available for consulting if we need him."

Garcia says, "Ok, so for those of us who kvetch about our A.M. commute, this will put it in perspective. This A.M. a Virginia State Trooper discovered a bag of dismembered body parts. They were with a homeless man's belongings. That homeless man then fled into the mountains."

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