Chapter 23- Business not Trust

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How quickly the night had come and gone. The dark still lingered in the sky, but a break of light could be seen over the horizon.

She yawned feeling the weight of a sleepless night weighing her down. After everything going on through her mind, it had been impossible for her to close her eyes and drift to sleep. She spent the next six or so hours laying on the ground listening closely to the other two.

As it turns out, they did not need to sleep, so they mostly talked over the course of the night while thinking that she could not listen to them.

'There was nothing out of the ordinary, nothing to worry about.'

Now though that she found herself walking alongside Kami and Elizabeth, her lack of sleep started to become apparent.

'What good is a passive called [Sleep Resistance] if it will not work?'

She angrily cursed at her own passive for not kicking in at that moment, but part of her understood that it was barely strong enough to fault.

She shook her head and patted her cheeks with the palm of her hands. This was not the time to be worrying about that anymore.

Kami, Elizabeth and herself were headed towards their next destination. Everything looked similar wherever she looked though. Tall grass and mountains on the horizon; she was not even sure they were moving anywhere with how unchanging the scenario was.

"Pst!" she called out to Kami under her breath.

"What is it?"

"Are we heading the right way?"

"Yeah, it shouldn't be long."

Elizabeth from the corner of her vision rolled her eyes and just kept walking without a word.

For some strange reason though she twirled an umbrella over her shoulder, something she had not seen her do so yet. She thought for sure Elizabeth did not need protection from the sun, as for the last week when she walked around town during the light there was no protection she used to do so.

She did not think about it too much though.

"Just stay behind us alright. Don't talk when we get there let us handle this." Kami continued.

"Okay..." was all she could say.

It was not long before she started noticing a few figures in the distance. The closer they drew the better the image of who they were came to view. There was a lot of them, close to thirty or so. It was all men, most of them looking rugged and hard faced. They wielded all sorts of weaponry, some had swords, daggers, axes and lances a few on the back had bows and fewer had a book and staff in hand. At the center though, a large man stood tall and proud. His whole demeanor screamed that there was something not right. He was tall, fat, and wore a grim menacing look over his scar covered face. On closer look, his nose was also crocked as if broken and it healed incorrectly.

She shivered at the realization that these people were more than likely thugs, or mercenaries at best.

'Why are we meeting with these people?'

They drew closer and eventually stopped just a few yards away from each other. Both groups stared each other down silently for a while before the large man stepped up with a limp in his walk and spoke.

"Heh, so you must be Kami, this creatures master."

Kami raised his hand jokingly adding. "Please, don't encourage her to think of me like that."

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