Chapter 12- Finding Kami

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"Like this you know!"

Hiromichi outstretched his arms with his fists balled up and swung at the air several times. "You gotta put your back behind it, keep it straight and do the jabs like so, one-two-three,ha!"

Sayu eyed his every with detail as they walked down the dirt path.

The rest of the group simultaneously followed behind the giant behemoth known as Hiromichi observing carefully as he lectured Sayu about how to properly fight someone close quarters.

"Now if they're coming at you full swing, keep those scrawny arms up, protect your face by using your arms as a shield, ha-huh-ha, you getting this copycat?!"

Sayu laughed nervously and nodded her head. "Y-yes, of course."

"Don't pay him mind, he gets too excited when someone asks him about fighting." Himari said.

"Ku ku, he's totally a battle hungry monster!" Thief added.

"H-hey, I'm just telling her what she asked, am I right?!" Hiromichi looked at Sayu for back up as she nodded once more.

Sayu had only asked Hiromichi how strong he was in a fight for reference. She wanted to see where she stood in the grounds of strength; was she too weak, or average? Truth be told, asking him did not help solve her question. Instead, he had gone on and rambled on about himself eventually leading him to 'teach' her some of his moves.

"I... appreciate the help then." Sayu kindly responded.

Hiromichi sneered and looked back at the rest of the group. "You know, for who you claim to be, it's hard to see you acting this way."

"Is that right?" Sayu mumbled.

It was true, even she had begun noticing her change in personality. It was difficult to explain, but a lot of how she used to think and go about things were missing in the way she went about.

"Y-you were gone for five years, I-I mean Sayu was gone for five years, what were you doing during that time?" Thief nervously asked.

What had she been doing for that time? At first having her missing memory was not that much of a bother, she was more focused on what was happening in front of her. Now though she was starting to worry; where had she been all that time, what had she been doing, why could not she remember anything, and why did she feel so different; completely changed from the proud archangel she used to play for so many eons.

"I don't remember..."

"Ku, right, don't remember." Thief sighed.

"I don't know what happened while I was gone, I don't even know why I act the way I do; it feels strange but familiar at the same time."

"That's an elaborate excuse." Himari replied with great lack of emotion in her voice.

Sayu could see the distrust behind her own words. It would be difficult to prove who she was looking entirely like someone else and claiming to know nothing at the same time. She still had her memories intact from when she had been here before all the way back to the early days of Creation, but those missing thousand years felt like they were somehow the key to everything.

"Tch, hey look if there is someone that can relate to missing memories it's me! I mean, we found out I was that prince guy from that stupid fallen nation ages ago remember?!"

Sayu perked up and looked up. "That's true, whatever did happen with that."

"Ku, well Himari and I wanted to keep digging once we returned to this side of the world but-"

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