Chapter 10- Heading Out

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It was early in the morning, and so it was the time of the day where the least amount of people could be found outside their homes. The dark of the night still lingered in some extents of the streets, but everything was easy to see without the help of any other external source that was not the small amount of light emanating from the still hidden sun.

Hiromichi and Sayu walked in this surreal moment with their heads held high and their morale just as equally so.

"Heh! Sure, what do you want to know?!" Hiromichi barked into the silent cool air.

Sayu was baffled to how easy it had been to win him over. All she had done was offer to buy drinks throughout the night and listen to him rave on about the past. At first, she thought he would be a hard shell to crack seeing how negatively he was taking this situation, but compared to the beginning, he was much easier to sway. She wondered if this were just a sign of age bringing maturity; but instantly opted that had it really been 'maturity' he would not have reacted so negatively when she spoke to him. This was the alcohol acting as a temporary truce between them, or at least, a means to grow a peaceful bridge.

"You're in a bright mood now." Sayu responded.

"Well, considering I got my fill and got some shit of my chest, it ain't all that bad! You're a complete stranger but guess your face makes it easier to talk." Hiromichi grinned half-heartedly.

"Thanks, I guess?"

"Anyway, you were saying?"

Sayu shook her head and continued. "The System, what can you tell me?"

"What do you wanna know?"

"Who changed the system?"


"Who has the power to do such a thing? The gods of this universe?"


"Okay, was everyone affected by this?"

Hiromichi grinned as he answered. "Dunno."

She sighed in a moment of defeat. Those kinds of questions should be the first things someone from this world should be asking themselves, obviously Hiromichi's line of thinking was completely something else.

"Look, all I know is, five years ago or so, shit changed real quick. Our powers, stats, skills, passives, and gear everything got wiped and everyone started back up at level one. The whole thing was a freaking mess for a while. The only reason we managed to not crumbles was because of the Adventurer's Guild."

Sayu nodded. Hiromichi had told her about it much early that night. According to him, the nation's army had to actively work together with the adventurer's guild to maintain control of its providence. For a period, adventurers were nonexistent and the nations foothold on all things dealing with monsters had been taken over by them. In fear of having a weak centered government adventuring was borderline prohibited across Tyr as the nations looked to build the strength of those under their command first. Slowly those gates haven opened now though, as years passed, and adventuring has become a normal thing again. All this transpired in five years.

"Five years..." she mumbled.

"What was that?"


It was interesting, she would have never noticed five years go by in her previous life. Five years was but a mere blink of an eye, and so exploring time through this perspective was strange. More so, she was aware that to them only five years had passed, but it had been thousands, ten thousand, even hundred thousand of years before she had set foot back in Tyr. What had she been up to all that time outside this universe? That also brought the question, what had Kami been doing for five years in here? If he was alive for that duration, why had he not bothered to show himself?

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