Chapter 6- Reunion

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"Damn, I don't think I could eat anymore without bursting!" Hiromichi slammed his drink with a satisfied grin. "That was way better than usual!"

Thief sat across Hiromichi watching her plate carefully, slowly digging a fork and knife into the cut of meat that laid on the plate.

Hiromichi looked amused before letting out a chuckle. "Shit you're not too good at this fancy stuff."

"S-shut up, ku!" Thief yelled at Hiromichi throwing her knife and fork in a gesture of defeat against the plate. "It's just so hard to remember what each one does and moving the fork over after you cut it a-and the whole sitting up straight it's just-"

Hiromichi barked in laughter raising his drink into the air and chugging down at it with enthusiasm. His drink spilled down his face and onto his tunic as he once more let it down against the tabletop with full force and exclaimed. "You're too good for that shit just eat like you normally would!"

It was like watching a wild animal dipping its head into barrel of water only to emerged completely drenched and barely having taken a sip. Thief winced at the sight but did not bother pointing out how grotesque it was.

The bar was full of life like usual. The sounds of people yelling over each other, the clanking of glass and plates. People moving about restlessly as if there was always something to do. The waiter dancing through the crowd of people, delivering every order in time and every drink just before the last one was done. The group of bards at the front looked alien to the rest of the bar, but their music bolstered everyone's high spirit with their quick play on their instruments.

"Another one sweet pie?" the waiter palm reached over Hiromichi's broad shoulder as he happily turned to look at the woman and raised his half empty glass.

"Hell yeah!"

She nodded, gave Thief a quick glance and smile and left just as fast as she had come.

"I thought you couldn't eat anymore?" Thief asked looking over her shoulder.

"Drinking is not eating!"

"Where does it all fit, ku ku?"

Hiromichi flashed a broad grin, raised his arms, and flexed them. "These things don't feed themselves, that's probably why you're so scrawny!"


"Hahaha! I'm playing, you're not half bad!"

Thief rolled her eyes and picked up her fork and knife once more. Her eyes focus on the food, challenging the meat in front of her to a stare off.

"Hey, do you know when Himari was gonna get back?" Hiromichi asked watching a couple of adventurers on the corner starting a small squabble.

Thief did not remove her eyes from the plate. "She should be back today I think."

"Tch, I don't know how I feel about her traveling with that guy all the time now." Hiromichi barked, hunching over the table.

"I don't see the problem."

"Well, it's just, when was the last time she's gone on a quest with us?!"

Thief finally broke concentration to look up at Hiromichi mulling over his drink. "Just two weeks ago."

"W-well yeah but..." he mumbled.

"Ku, ku, are you actually jealous?"

"Hell no! It's just... we basically raised that kid and now she's off with that damn Hero all the time doing all sorts of shit, pisses me off!"

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