Chapter 8- The City of Alzel

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Sayu looked with a tired expression as she made her way down the stairs and out into the streets of the city she once knew as Alzel.

After a number of hours of questioning, pointless threats, and silently dragged moments where they had her sit there for what was an eternity in an empty room. With nothing solid to present against her, they were left with little choice but to let her leave. After all, being in a Dungeon without permission was no ground for law breaking, that or looking like someone else. She was grateful for her luck, and decided to get out of there before they could find something to drag her into jail for. Honestly,

She took a few deep breaths and glanced around the city. It was night but there were still people up and about drifting through the streets of the large city. Alzel wasn't the most modern looking city, by a long shot. They had torches and lamps lighting the streets of every building and the roads, although smoothed out and spotless, were made of a dark gray stone that gave it an old retro look. The buildings were also something between a modern era style but with material that had not been used as base and foundations for these kinds of buildings in hundreds of years. Their architecture always struck her as a mix of both present and past. The city was grand and elegant enough to be seen as the nation's jewel city, but far from something technologically advanced.

Still the people are what always drew attention. It always seemed to be alive with people, who looked like they had something to do or be. Most of the shops and business would stay open until late night hours, some even until the very morning, and it was obvious that there were many customers for them even at these times. In this particular street there were numerous restaurants, some which she remembered passing by before. They sold all forms of variety, from fancy food imported from a different part of the country, to more basic fare.

If she kept going this way, eventually she would stumble into the town square, where shops of all kinds from weapons, armories, jewelry, clothing, enchanters, tailors, dealers, and many more would line around the large open space. You could find about anything you desired there, and so it stand to reason that it was the busiest at any given time.

Sayu couldn't help but give a meek smile as she walked through the street, memories flashing back of her experiences. It was her time here that she realized that perhaps living among humans was not such a bad thing, and it had especially been easier to accept this lifestyle with the friends she had gained.

'They don't recognize me... it can't be helped I suppose.'

It was to be expected but did not make it any less disappointing. There was something else that bothered her mostly now; why was her appearance so similar to Thief's?

She had managed to stare at a reflection of herself for some time while she was being interrogated and she still couldn't quite believe it. There were a few slight notable differences' she could see after looking at herself in disbelief for a few hours, but they were so small that anyone who wouldn't look closely would fail to see anything.

Her eyes, for example, were slightly more slanted than Thief's, and her hair was just long enough to hit her shoulders on contrary to Thief's which was about an inch or two from it. Slightly smaller nose and lips were a tiny bit fuller. Having such observation skills surely had its advantages. Physically, Sebastien had been right. She could see that her bust size was bigger when she raised her chest, and had more noticeable curves, but this could just be because of her clothing. Apart from that they were almost a clone of each other.

'It's so strange, why would they make a body that looks just like hers for me to inhabit.'

Speaking of 'they', during her time in interrogation, she had noticed a flashing notification that had probably been there for a good while. The new UI was incredibly more transparent and easier to miss, so chances where a lot of things would be missed if they did not directly appear in front of her eyes.

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