Chapter 5- Getting Out

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"This is...strange gentlemen."

A small group of well-equipped men, dressed in armor and wielding swords, lances, and shields, stood behind a distinguishing figure, silently observing as the man placed his hand onto the large gate that easily stood ten feet tall and the same length wide.

Behind the gate, the entrance to a Dungeon and it's monsters within laid, waiting for outsiders to venture in an challenge its might.

Sebastien, a personal guard to the Prince of the Ducuria Kingdom, felt no reservation as he snickered and playfully shouted so that the others might be able to hear. "Our friends at the Guild might have got this one wrong, this is no simple Beginner Dungeon."

The guards looked unnerved, and even through their helmets Sebastien could imagine that their faces were filled with fear.

"Of course, that is why we are here! Is it not gentlemen!"

"Sir!" they responded at his call.

Sebastien brushed his fingers through his long blonde hair that dangled behind his back. He reached for his bow that had been carefully strapped behind his back.

"We shall make our way inside, remember your formations and make sure you have any potions ready at hand!"

The guards nodded, the tension of the situation clearly drawing the air around them thin.

Sebastien hastily moved to the side and started to feel the weight of the atmosphere around him.

It had been several weeks since this Dungeon had appeared. As per usual, the Adventurer's Guild had been tasked with sending a squadron of its people to evaluate and measure the energy from the outside to determine a proper allocation of its strength. They had determined that this was a Beginner Dungeon, and with the cooperation of the Kingdom, had opened its doors to the appropriate leveled adventurers to go inside and investigate further. Their surprise came not soon after that, when only half of those numbers had returned claiming that they couldn't even make it past the first room.

According to the information. There were four Rat Guards who attacked anyone who came in or tried to go down a path they were blocking.

Back in the day, a Rat Guard had been no problem to dispatch, but after the event that had everyone's strength reset to that of a normal villager, it would take someone much more qualified to take them on, or a small battalion, like the one now.

He was confident someone like him could take on one or two on his own, but after two or three it was hard to tell if he would come out alive. This world was one where a monster, despite a difference in strength, could overcome and take down a much stronger adversary with numbers alone. However, this was also true for them. He would have to be leagues above the Rat Guard to confidently say he would do it alone.

"Had they not been busy I would have asked them to come along, the strength of the army might not even be necessary." Sebastien mumbled.


He brought his sight up to the guard who anxiously waited for the command to advance.

"Excusez-Moi! Guards, onward!"

He was to provide as much support as possible. His role as an archer in this mission was to not only attempt to get rid of the Rat Guards, but retreat if anything went wrong, and make a much more accurate report to the Capital on the strength of this army.

He shook his head and thought about the stupidity in that. If these monsters were going to present a problem to even the nations army, then the report would just be a formality to the show of strength this Dungeon accurately presented.

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