࿏ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 16 ࿏

En başından başla

Phil wanted revenge. That was all. They took his son from him, it seems only fair that he did the same. He was a kind man, many would agree with that but the minute you mess with or hurt one of his sons, he was the equivalent of hell on earth. Many called him the Angel of Death.

He crouched down in front of the bloody and crying Karl, brushing the tears off of his face gently while shushing him. The brunette nearly leaned into the touch, he was scared, he just wanted to go home to his boyfriend. The bloodied knife laid on the floor next to the well-dressed man, an awful reminder of what was to come. He had been here for thirteen hours and he had been through hell and back multiple times.

First, it was Techno giving out his anger through punches and kicks. Karl's torso was on fire, he could feel bruises forming and knew he would be in pain for weeks. Then Wilbur had his turn, he didn't do too much except put out his cigarettes on the boy's skin, break his nose and use him as a punching bag.

Phil's was definitely the worst, however, he made every scratch, bruise and wound with slow movements which caused the pain to become even more excruciating. He was clearly having some pent up anger and Karl was a vulnerable librarian with no way to fight back. He should've taken up Sapnap on his offers to teach him some self-defence.

He was helpless as Phil picked up the knife again and grazed it across his cheek gently.

"Poor Karl Jacobs" He cooed "Imagine, you could've been at home with your boyfriend if he hadn't taken my son from me" He smiled softly, his eyes laced with fatherly love "you just got to hope that he loves you enough"

He stood up, leaving Karl on the floor, and walked away. Wilbur took the knife from him and began to clean it. Finally, the brunette was left to rest... or so he thought. The other unknown face walked forward and crouched in front of the young male, an angry expression on his face. He walked with a slight limp and did not look happy. Phil and the other two Watsons watched as the teenager leaned towards Karl, the other whimpering into the wall.

"Listen here bitch, you're going to be our ticket to getting my best friend back, got it? As soon as that time is up, if he is not by my side, I will not hesitate to shoot your fucking brains out" He laughed happily. He sounded insane. "So you better hope they come through"

The boy's hand was twitching, the twitch getting more and more prominent as he went on. Karl recognized it. He was clearly someone who yearned for a fight and his twitch was his way of showing it. He was twitching to get a hold of a gun. That was worrying for a boy his age, he already looked worse for wear. His hair nearly covering his eyes, burns on the right side of his face, down his neck and right arm, and a bandage covering his thigh on his left leg.

He felt bad that the kid had been dragged into this mess.

"I'll see you tomorrow because it will be my turn!" He laughed as he stood up. "Remember the name of Tubbo because he will be the one who fucking puts the bullet in your head if Tommy is harmed"

With those final words, they all left, leaving the boy alone in a basement in the dark. He could only hope that Sapnap and his friends were looking for him. He was begging that they would find him or make that trade, but he doubted that Dream would do that.

He let his tears fall, noises escaping his mouth as he wept. He wanted to go home. He couldn't do it anymore... as much as he didn't want to say it...

He wished they would just kill him.


Tubbo opened the doors to his shared apartment with Ranboo and Foolish, the tall teen was sitting in the lounge watching the news. There was a report of a robbery, and spoiler alert; those idiots got arrested. Ranboo turned around, his black-and-white hair following his movements as it slightly covered one of his eyes, his green one to be exact and he wore a soft smile as he patted the spot next to him. The teenager limped over and sat down, leaning onto his friend, who wrapped his arm around him gently.

Since it was announced that Tommy was arrested, Tubbo had been at a loss. It had been officially twenty-seven hours since the teen was taken into custody and the brunette hadn't slept. He was hell-bent on getting his best friend back. The minute that the bullet was out of his leg and was bandaged, he was walking again.

He just wanted his best friend back, was that too much of him to ask?

"I just want him back, Boo" He clawed at the younger's hoodie's sleeve and began to play with the boy's fingers. It was a comfort thing, he had to know that he had someone with him. Ranboo hummed and leaned their head on top of the others.

"I know, I know, I do too but Phil is doing everything to get Tom back. We just have to be patient" His voice was soft.

"I don't know if I can... I put up this facade but I just... I just want him back" His voice cracking slightly "He's our best friend, I'd be dead and you'd be on the streets if it weren't for him. We owe him this at least"

"Tommy is strong, I'm sure he's just fine"

Tubbo nodded into the younger's arm. He had faith that Tommy was fine, he pitied the police force, his blonde best friend was probably giving them hell. He just hoped that he could be home sooner rather than later, he held faith in Phil but the police captain was a different story. The brunette hoped that he would value the beat-up librarian's life over a teenager in custody.

Because Tubbo was twitching for a fight.

Words: 1,663

All these chapters were written before we found out that Ranboo was older so he will remain the middle child in this story but future ones he will be the older :))

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