Start from the beginning

"I think you're doing well, Hecate," Pisces added with a distant smile.

"You think? I'm trying now, at least... thank you, Pisces." She stood, and meddled with Cancer's bandages. When she pressed her hand against the scars, Cancer whined. "Sorry, Cancer, but I have to apply some pressure."

It's alright. Cancer's mental voice winced. It just hurts... but how do you know what to do?

Hecate smirked at the question. "My father is a werewolf, like you. He's much bigger though and got into many more scuffles. Mother and I took care of him, though... just like this."

More questions bubbled into Cancer's mind, but before any of them formed into words, Pisces asked, "Was he angry?"

Hecate's smile dropped, but her hands still worked. Cancer felt the skin beneath her fur tingle with warmth. "He was," She answered. "But never at me, and never at my mother. He was the god of destruction, so him having a temper was to be expected."

Cancer whined. Destruction?! Pisces gasped.

"Yes, he's of Cataclysmic Destruction. Much of the pantheon is still afraid of him, but he's a good man. He always-"

Hecate would have finished her sentence had Capricorn not screamed to the sky. The trio turned to him with instant worry, and rightfully so. He covered his ears and grit his teeth, and his entire body was racked with heavy shakes.

Another scream and Capricorn hunched over in what seemed like pain. "On your guard, girls!" Hecate ordered, and Signs immediately did as she was told, distancing themselves from their friend. Cancer struggled to get on her feet, but when she was, she crouched in front of Pisces to protect her from whatever Capricorn had in store for them.

Capricorn was panting now, and sweat dripped from his body onto the grass. His glasses slipped off and bounced away, and his cries turned to roars. "What in Gaia's name..." Hecate mumbled to herself.

Hecate, Cancer asked. What's going on?

"I don't know... Be ready for anything."

Okay! Pisces nodded in affirmation too.

The roars turned to laughs as Capricorn's body changed. His skin darkened a few shades but greyed instead of browned. Cancer saw bumps appear on his arms, along with sharp horns growing straight out of his head. His hands sharpened, and a long, silver tail pushed out from his backside. The final adjustment, and maybe the most surprising, were the rather large grey wings that sprouted from his back, ripping his battle shirt into tatters.

"By Gaia..." Hecate whispered.

Now that the transformation was done, Cap wasn't crying with pain anymore. No, now he laughed a menacing cackle. He didn't seem to get any taller again, but Taurus was still well beyond intimidated. Capricon ran a hand through his hair and hissed, "There, that's much better. This Sign truly is in peak condition when fully realized. Can you believe that he managed to mentally block his true form with his mind, Little Gift? Such power!"

Cancer noticed Hecate taking a step back. But, in that same motion, her scepter formed in her hand. "What is the meaning of this?" She barked, raising her Weapon up to Capricorn's face. "Explain yourself, Capricorn!"

"Capricorn?" He hissed, leaning down into Hecate's face. "Now, now, Little Gift. Don't be stupid. You know who I am.

"No!" Hecate yelled, stepping back again. "No... you are locked away in Tartarus. You're nothing but chunks of meat..."

"Yes, my body is still recovering, Little Gift," Capricorn said with a snap of his clawed fingers. "But my mind... yes, my mind! They could never trample my mind, no matter what they did to my body. And, thanks to your ignorance, I have a vessel once again!"

The Final Cycle: A Zodiac StoryWhere stories live. Discover now