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i eyed allies' back anxiously, wondering. she'd said she was fine after lunch, but she seemed agitated now.

i didn't think it was because of the assignment we were currently being given, she hadn't really been paying attention, instead looking down at her hands or biting back a smile while staring into the distance.

i swept my tongue over my teeth, debating. our class was over in eight minutes, i figured i should wait until then to ask if she was okay.

i tapped my foot impatiently, eyes locked on the clock while i listened to mrs. jackson ramble about marks, our grade, etcetera. i glanced back at alaska every once and a while, she was holding her forehead in the palm of her hand but her eyes were open.  i could've swore i heard a small whimper escape her.

i bit my lip harshly, reminding myself that there was nothing i could do about it right now. besides, class was over in five minutes.

i forced myself to lean back in my chair, glancing down at my lap where my fingers were messing with one of my rings.

as i did this, i saw the small scab from last weeks' skirmish on the palm of my hand, reminding myself that i had to help my family with another raid tomorrow.

allie sighed again. i looked up and reached forward with my foot to gently tap her ankle. her head snapped up, and she looked back to meet my eyes.

i smiled questioningly at her, hoping she understood. her expression dropped to an 'are you serious?' look.

i kept my smile, inclining my head slightly. she sighed and looked away, resting her chin in the palm of her hand as mrs. jackson finally dismissed us.

immediately, alaska stood up with her bag and hurried out of the room. i gathered all my things quickly before speed-walking to follow her.

i saw her disappear into the washroom, holding her head again. 

i sped up a little more, almost running. i dropped my bag by the door and scanned the small room quickly.

she had paused when i crashed into the room after her, eyes wide with her hand on the door of a stall.

i ran a hand quickly through my hair as i walked toward her, allowing another small, reassuring smile to soften my features.

i grabbed her hand that had been on the door and played with her fingers gently as i stared into her eyes, searching.

"you good?" i asked quietly. she didn't hesitate to shake her head, leaning into me.

i wrapped my arm around her. when we'd first met, she'd insisted she hated cuddling. but i think it was just because she'd never really cuddled with anyone other than her parents, and she'd constantly flinch away from any kind of physical touch. 

my free hand went to run through her hair, brushing her forehead as i did so.  noticing she was warmer than usual, i frowned.

"were you already sick when your period came or does this always happen?" i asked, speaking quietly into her ear.

she shrugged, burying her face into my chest. i smiled to myself, pecking the top of her head.

i was about to lead her out of the washroom and to my car so i could take her home, but before i was able i heard the door open behind me.

i whipped around, alaska stumbling slightly from the loss of my steady form. i steadied her quickly with a hand on her shoulder, then turned back to snarl at whoever had walked in.

it was some senior girl, i'd seen her plenty more times than i ever wanted. she always got on my nerves, she was such a fucking bitch.

she smirked at me as i cracked my knuckles, obviously having caught a glimpse of alaska and i in our embrace. i was hoping to just scare her off; i didn't want to fight in front of allie, but as always it just didn't work like that.

"got yourself a girlfriend, eilish? or is she just a toy you twisted into thinking you loved her?" she snickered as i rolled my eyes. uncreative asshole (a/n: that's me :D).

i wasn't sure if allie minded being public or not, but whether i fought luna or not she would find a way to inform the whole school.

hopefully, i could tell her off long enough for allie and i to tell everyone ourselves.

i stepped forward, not speaking. she didn't deserve for me to acknowledge her taunting. instead, i gave her a sickly sweet smile and lifted my ring-coated fist to punch her across the face.

she fell back on the wall, gasping in shock. i stepped closer once more, pinning her against the wall and under my stare.

she looked up at me fearfully. i chuckled slightly at her pathetic state. 

"don't say shit. got that? or you best bet it'll be more then one punch," i spat at her, then went to swing alaskas' bag over my shoulder and wrap my arm around her waist to lead her out of the room in a slight state of shock.


"did you really have to fight her, though?" alaska asked as i drove.

i'd just told her we'd have to go public soon her luna would do it for us. she hadn't minded, thank god, but she couldn't seem to get over the fact that i'd punched her 'for no good reason'.

poor thing just didn't understand.

"i bought us a little more time; trust me allie, that bitch had it coming way before this," i assured her, but she still protested.

"but she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, that wasn't fair," she argued. i knew she wasn't paying attention to where we were going because if she was, she would've noticed i was taking her to my house and not her own.

i sighed, parking quickly in my driveway. she seemed to realize where we were now, glancing around in surprise.

i leant over the console and took her face in my hands. i was going to reply to her, but i got caught up in her eyes, her adorable little nose, her freckles... and i couldn't help but place short kisses all over her face.

"you're-so-fucking-cute," i said in between, before finally landing a quick peck on her lips.

she blushed and pulled away from me, much to my dismay. "yeah, i think i get it by now," she attempted to tease me, but i just thought it was adorable. nonetheless, i pouted in faux offense to humor her.

"c'mon, let's go find you a blanket,"

1120 words, unchecked.

sorry for another filler, but at least it's a lil longer.

also 4k reads wtf

A Witch And A Wolf (Billie Eilish Soulmate AU)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant