Chapter5 part3 ~The sexiest dinner~

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I turned a shade that is darker than the darkest red possible!!!

My whole body was blushing, I guess, my cheeks flushed red and my ears were burning. I felt extremely embarrassed. How can he be so chill and calm? What the hell!!

What did just happen? I don't even have the guts to face him. I couldn't utter a single word. I just nodded somehow and grabbed two plates and bowls and served the meal. Meanwhile, Sasuke removed his apron and brushed his spiky hair with his fingers, he was so hot! For the whole time I was feeling dumb....

After that, we sat and started to eat. Sasuke didn't even bother to put on a shirt on top and was quite the whole while until I decided to speak up. I gathered a lot of courage,

- "Uhmm, so, wh-wh-what will you do next? I mean, you are back in the village and then?" I asked rather curiously.

- "Hmm, that's a good question. Let me think." He put his index finger on his chin and started his famous Uchiha thinking! As if he is Einstein!! Lol

Then he spoke again,

- "Maybe, I will settle down with a family." He spoke with a smirk in his face.

- "Oh, I see." I said blankly.

I did not actually know how to react to this. He said about having a family. A family of his own. He will be marrying someone so that he can have children and restore his clan. I felt a sudden heartbreak and stopped myself from passing down tears. I did not feel sad nor depressed, I just cannot explain what I felt at that moment after hearing that. He will never notice me not he would show any interest, so I don't care....... Or... maybe, I do care!!!

- "You look beautiful!" Sasuke smirked again, this time more precisely.

- "....." I was shocked, I had no words to speak or reply him. Actually, I did not know what to say.

- "I mean it" he said

- "uhh, huh-Oh, Thanks." I replied by stuttering.

This was definitely the sexiest dinner I ever had. Indeed!!!!

I was silent for a while, when Sasuke spoke up.

- "Listen, Sakura, I have something really important to discuss with you. You know that I don't like to waste time on unnecessary talking, so I will straightaway come to the point, and I am serious."

- "Yeah sure, what is it?"

Sasuke seemed very serious about something. I have a strange feeling about this.......


To be continued..........

So guys this was the last part of chapter 5. Next time I will publish chapter 6. Thanks a lot for reading and Do comment what you all think that Sasuke wants to discuss so seriously with Sakura!!!!! :)

Stay tuned for the update, Thanks a lot for reading and voting.


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